
Default Password

A default password is a password (usually “123”, “admin”, “root”, “password”, “”, “secret”, or “access”) assigned to a program or hardware device by the developer or manufacturer. …
Therefore, it is always recommended that you change your default password to a password only you would know.


Default Router Username and Password List
Router Brand Login IP Password
Digicom michelangelo
Digicom password
Linksys admin
Netgear password
Vendor Model Version Access Type Username PASSWORD Privileges Notes
3COM CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet debug synnet
3COM CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet tech tech
3COM HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none)
3COM LANplex 2500 Telnet debug synnet
3COM LANplex 2500 Telnet tech tech
3COM LinkSwitch 2000/2700 Telnet tech tech
3COM NetBuilder SNMP ANYCOM snmp-read
3COM NetBuilder SNMP ILMI snmp-read
3COM Netbuilder Multi admin (none) Admin
3COM Office Connect ISDN Routers 5×0 Telnet n/a PASSWORD Admin
3COM SuperStack II Switch 2200 Telnet debug synnet
3COM SuperStack II Switch 2700 Telnet tech tech
3COM OfficeConnect 812 ADSL Multi adminttd adminttd Admin
3COM Wireless AP ANY Multi admin comcomcom Admin Works on all 3com wireless APs
3COM CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech tech User
3COM cellplex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Telnet operator (none) Admin
3COM HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none) Admin
3com 3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM Multi security security Admin
3com superstack II 1100/3300 Console 3comcso RIP000 initialize resets all pws to defaults
3COM LANplex 2500 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3COM CellPlex HTTP admin synnet Admin
3com NetBuilder SNMP (none) admin User SNMP_READ
3COM SuperStack II Switch 2700 Telnet tech tech Admin
3COM CellPlex 7000 Telnet root (none) Admin
3COM HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3COM CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3COM CellPlex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech tech Admin
3com super Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Multi admin admin Admin RS-232/telnet
3COM SuperStack 3 4XXX Multi admin (none) Admin
3COM SuperStack 3 4XXX Multi monitor monitor User
3COM SuperStack 3 4400-49XX Multi manager manager User can access/change operational setting but not security settings
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet root (none) Admin
3com Netbuilder Multi admin (none) Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Telnet operator (none) Admin
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL 01.50-01 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com cellplex Multi admin admin Admin
3com HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com 3c16405 Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com 3c16405 Console Administrator (none) Admin
3com Switch 3300XM Multi admin admin Admin
3com SS III Switch 4xxx (4900 – sure) Telnet recovery recovery resets_all_to_default u need to power off unit. tbl_
3com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Cable/DSL Gateway HTTP (none) admin Admin
3COM Netbuilder HTTP Root (none) Admin
3com 3C16405 Multi admin (none) Admin
3COM 3C16450 Multi admin (none) Admin telnet or serial
3COM 3C16406 Multi admin (none) Admin telnet or serial
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL 01.50-01 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com cellplex Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com cellplex Multi admin admin Admin
3com HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com 3c16405 Console Administrator (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3com Switch 3300XM Multi admin admin Admin
3com SS III Switch 4xxx (4900 – sure) Telnet recovery recovery resets_all_to_default u need to power off unit. tbl_
3com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Cable/DSL Gateway HTTP (none) admin Admin
3com 3CRADSL72 1.2 Multi (none) 1234admin Admin snmp open by default with public / private community
3com CB9000 / 4007 3 Console Type User: FORCE (none) Admin This will recover a lost password and reset the switch config to Factory Default
3com officeconnect Multi n/a (none) Admin
3Com Internet Firewall 3C16770 HTTP admin password Admin
3com superstack II Netbuilder 11.1 Multi n/a (none) Admin
3COM Office Connect ISDN Routers 5×0 Telnet? n/a PASSWORD Admin
3M VOL-0215 etc. SNMP volition volition Admin for Volition fibre switches
Accelerated Networks DSL CPE and DSLAM Telnet sysadm anicust
ACCTON Wirelessrouter T-online HTTP none 0 Admin YEAHH
accton t-online accton Multi (none) 0 Admin
accton t-online accton Multi (none) 0 Admin
Aceex Modem ADSL Router HTTP admin (none) Admin
Aceex Modem ADSL Router HTTP admin (none) Admin
ADC Kentrox Pacesetter Router Telnet n/a secret
ADIC Scalar 100/1000 HTTP admin secure Admin
ADIC Scalar i2000 Multi admin password Admin
adtran MX2800 Telnet n/a adtran Admin hit enter a few times
adtran Smart 16/16e Telnet n/a (none) Admin hit enter a few times
adtran Atlas 800/800Plus/810Plus/550 Telnet n/a Password Admin crtl-L
adtran Smart 16/16e Telnet n/a PASSWORD Admin hit enter a few times
adtran NxIQ Telnet n/a adtran Admin hit enter a few times
adtran TSU IQ/DSU IQ Telnet n/a (none) Admin hit enter a few times
adtran Express 5110/5200/5210 Telnet n/a adtran Admin hit enter a few times
adtran Agent Card Telnet n/a ADTRAN Admin ctrl-PTT
adtran TSU Router Module/L128/L768/1.5 Telnet n/a (none) Admin hit enter a few times
adtran T3SU 300 Telnet n/a adtran Admin Hit enter a few times
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 kermit kermit unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 dhs3mt dhs3mt unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 at4400 at4400 unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 mtch mtch unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 mtcl mtcl unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 root letacla unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 dhs3pms dhs3pms unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 adfexc adfexc unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 client client unknown
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 install llatsni unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 halt tlah unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel Office 4200 Multi n/a 1064 Admin by Bazille
Alcatel OmniStack 6024 Telnet admin switch Admin
Alcatel Omnistack/Omniswitch Telnet/Console diag switch Admin
Alcatel Omnistack/omniswitch Telnet diag switch Admin
Alcatel Timestep VPN 1520 3.00.026 Permit config and console root permit Admin Perm/Config port 38036
Alcatel OXO 1.3 Multi (none) admin User
Allied Telesyn Multi manager friend Admin
Allied Telesyn AT-8024(GB) Console n/a admin Admin
Allied Telesyn AT-8024(GB) HTTP manager admin Admin
Allied Telesyn AT Router HTTP root (none) Admin
ALLNET T-DSL Modem Software Version: v1.51 HTTP admin admin Admin
Allnet ALL0275 802.11g AP 1.0.6 HTTP none admin Admin
Alteon ACEDirector3 console admin (none)
Alteon ACEswitch 180e HTTP admin admin Admin
Alteon ACEswitch 180e Telnet admin (none)
Alteon ACEswitch 180e HTTP admin linga Admin none
Alteon AD4 9 Console admin admin Admin Factory default
AMBIT ADSL Telnet root (none) Admin
Ambit Cable Modem 60678eu 1.12 Multi root root Admin
Ambit Cable Modem Multi root root Admin Time Warner Cable issued modem
Ambit ntl:home 200 2.67.1011 HTTP root root Admin This is the cable modem supplied by NTL in the UK
Amitech wireless router and access point 802.11g 802.11b any HTTP admin admin Admin Web interface is on available on the LAN ports of the AP.
Andover Controls Infinity any Console acc acc Admin Building managment system
AOC zenworks 4.0 Multi n/a admin Admin
APC 9606 Smart Slot Telnet n/a backdoor Admin
APC USV Network Management Card SNMP n/a TENmanUFactOryPOWER Admin nachzulesen unter gruss HonkHase
apc Smartups 3000 HTTP apc apc Admin By Sentinel
APC UPSes (Web/SNMP Mgmt Card) HTTP device device Admin Secondary access account (next to apc/apc)
APC Smart UPS Multi apc apc Admin
Apple AirPort Base Station (Graphite) 2 Multi (none) public public See Apple article number 58613 for details
Apple Airport Base Station (Dual Ethernet) 2 Multi n/a password Guest See Apple article number 106597 for details
Apple Airport Extreme Base Station 2 Multi n/a admin Guest see Apple article number 107518 for details
Arescom modem/router 10XX Telnet n/a atc123 Admin
ARtem ComPoint – CPD-XT-b CPD-XT-b Telnet (none) admin Admin
Asante IntraSwitch multi IntraSwitch Asante Admin
Asante IntraStack multi IntraStack Asante Admin
Asante FM2008 Telnet superuser (none) Admin
Ascend Yurie Multi readonly lucenttech2
Ascend Router Telnet n/a ascend Admin
Ascend Sahara Multi root ascend
Ascom Ascotel PBX ALL Multi (none) 3ascotel Admin no user req. _by DTK
Aspect ACD 6 HTTP customer none User views error logs
Aspect ACD 6 Oracle DTA TJM User
Aspect ACD 7 Oracle DTA TJM User
Aspect ACD 8 Oracle DTA TJM User
AVAYA g3R v6 Console root ROOT500 Admin
Avaya Definity G3Si Multi craft (none) Admin
Avaya Cajun Pxxx Multi root root Admin
Avaya Cajun P550R P580 P880 and P882 Multi diag danger Developer
Avaya Cajun P550R P580 P880 and P882 Multi manuf xxyyzz Developer
Avaya Pxxx 05/02/14 Multi diag danger Admin
Avaya Pxxx 05/02/14 Multi manuf xxyyzz Admin
AVAYA Cajun P33x firmware before 3.11.0 SNMP n/a admin Admin check the Bugtraq archives for more information
Avaya definity up to rev. 6 any craft crftpw Admin
Avaya CMS Supervisor 11 Console root cms500 Admin
Axis NETCAM 200/240 Telnet root pass Admin
Axis All Axis Printserver All Multi root pass Admin
Axis Webcams HTTP root pass Admin
Axis 540/542 Print Server Multi root pass Admin
axis 2100 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Axis NETCAM 200/240 root pass
Bay Networks Switch 350T Telnet n/a NetICs Admin
Bay Networks SuperStack II Telnet security security Admin
Bay Networks Router Telnet User (none) User
Bay Networks Router Telnet Manager (none) Admin
Bay Networks Router User (none) User
Bay Networks SuperStack II security security Admin
Bay Networks Switch 350T n/a NetICs Admin
Belkin F5D6130 SNMP (none) MiniAP Admin Wireless Acess Point IEEE802.11b
Belkin F5D7150 FB Multi n/a admin Admin
Billion Bipac 5100 HTTP admin admin Admin
Bintec Bianka Routers Multi admin bintec Admin
BinTec Bianca/Brick XM-5.1 SNMP n/a snmp-Trap read/write by rootkid
BinTec x1200 37834 Multi admin bintec Admin
BinTec x2300i 37834 Multi admin bintec Admin
BinTec x3200 37834 Multi admin bintec Admin
BMC Patrol 6 Multi patrol patrol User
BMC Software Patrol all BMC unique Administrator the same all over Admin this default user normally for ALL system in this area with one Password
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 3.x n/a Master Admin
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 2.x n/a laflaf Admin
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 4.4.x Console n/a Helpdesk Admin
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 4.x n/a Super
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 3.x n/a Master
Breezecom Breezecom Adapters 2.x n/a laflaf
Brocade Fabric OS All Multi root fivranne Admin Gigiabit SAN (by Nicolas Gregoire)
Brocade Silkworm all Multi admin password Admin Also on other Fiberchannel switches
Brocade Fabric OS Multi admin password Admin Gigabit SAN
Brother NC-3100h (none) access network board access
Brother NC-4100h (none) access network board access
Brother HL-1270n Multi n/a access network board access
Buffalo Wireless Broadband Base Station-g WLA-G54 WBR-G54 HTTP root (none) Admin
Cabletron Netgear modem/router and SSR netman (none) Admin
Cayman Cayman DSL n/a (none) Admin
Celerity Mediator Multi Multi mediator mediator User
Celerity Mediator Multi root Mau’dib Admin Assumption: the password is Mua’dib
Cellit CCPro Multi cellit cellit Admin
Checkpoint SecurePlatform NG FP3 Console admin admin Admin
CipherTrust IronMail Any Multi admin password Admin
CISCO Cache Engine Console admin diamond Admin
Cisco ConfigMaker cmaker cmaker Admin
cisco cva 122 Telnet admin admin Admin
Cisco CNR All CNR GUI admin changeme Admin This is the default password for Cisco Network Registrar
Cisco Netranger/secure IDS Multi netrangr attack
Cisco BBSM 5.0 and 5.1 Telnet or Named Pipes bbsd-client changeme2 database The BBSD Windows Client password will match the BBSD MSDE Client password
Cisco BBSD MSDE Client 5.0 and 5.1 Telnet or Named Pipes bbsd-client NULL database The BBSD Windows Client password will match the BBSD MSDE Client password
Cisco BBSM Administrator 5.0 and 5.1 Multi Administrator changeme Admin
Cisco Netranger/secure IDS 3.0(5)S17 Multi root attack Admin must be changed at the first connection
Cisco BBSM MSDE Administrator 5.0 and 5.1 IP and Named Pipes sa (none) Admin
Cisco Catalyst 4000/5000/6000 All SNMP (none) public/private/secret RO/RW/RW+change SNMP config default on All Cat switches running the native CatOS CLI software.
Cisco PIX firewall Telnet (none) cisco User
Cisco VPN Concentrator 3000 series 3 Multi admin admin Admin
Cisco Content Engine Telnet admin default Admin
cisco 3600 Telnet Administrator admin Guest
Cisco AP1200 IOS Multi Cisco Cisco Admin This is when you convert AP1200 or AP350 to IOS
cisco GSR Telnet admin admin admin
Cisco CiscoWorks 2000 guest (none) User
Cisco CiscoWorks 2000 admin cisco Admin
Cisco ConfigMaker cmaker cmaker Admin
Cisco-Arrowpoint Arrowpoint admin system Admin
COM3 OLe HTTP admin admin User
Compaq Insight Manager administrator administrator Admin
Compaq Insight Manager anonymous (none) User
Compaq Insight Manager user user User
Compaq Insight Manager operator operator
Compaq Insight Manager user public User
Compaq Insight Manager PFCUser 240653C9467E45 User
conexant ACCESS RUNNER ADSL CONSOLE PORT 3.27 Telnet Administrator admin Admin
Corecess Corecess 3112 HTTP Administrator admin Admin
cyberguard all firewalls all console + passport1 cgadmin cgadmin Admin
Cyclades PR 1000 Telnet super surt Admin
Cyclades TS800 HTTP root tslinux Admin
Dallas Semiconductors TINI embedded JAVA Module <= 1.0 Telnet root tini Admin
Datacom BSASX/101 n/a letmein Admin FTPXQ server FTP anonymous any@ read/write on c:\
Davox Unison Multi root davox Admin
Davox Unison Multi admin admin User
Davox Unison Multi davox davox User
Davox Unison Sybase sa (none) Admin
Deerfield MDaemon HTTP MDaemon MServer Admin web interface to manage MDaemon. fixed June 2002
Demarc Network Monitor multi admin my_DEMARC Admin
Deutsche Telekom T-Sinus DSL 130 HTTP admin (none) Admin Usuallay also a WirelessLan AP 🙂
Develcon Orbitor Default Console n/a BRIDGE Admin
Develcon Orbitor Default Console n/a password Admin
Dictaphone ProLog PBX PBX
Dictaphone ProLog NETOP (none)
Digicorp Viper Telnet n/a BRIDGE Admin
Digicorp Viper Telnet n/a password Admin
Digicorp Router n/a BRIDGE Admin
Digicorp Router n/a password Admin
Dlink DSL-500 Multi admin admin Admin
D-Link hubs/switches Telnet D-Link D-Link
D-Link DI-704 rev a Multi (none) admin Admin Cable/DSL Routers/Switches
D-Link DI-804 v2.03 Multi admin (none) Admin Contributed by _CR_
D-Link DWL 900AP Multi (none) public Admin
D-Link DI-614+ HTTP user (none) User by rootkid
D-Link DWL-614+ rev a rev b HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link D-704P rev b Multi admin (none) Admin
D-link DWL-900AP+ rev a rev b rev c HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-604 rev a rev b rev c rev e Multi admin (none) Admin
D-Link DWL-614+ 2.03 HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link D-704P Multi admin admin Admin
D-Link DWL-900+ HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-704 Multi n/a admin Admin
D-Link DI-604 1.62b+ HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-624 all HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-624 all HTTP User (none) Admin
D-Link DI-604 2.02 HTTP admin admin Admin
D-Link DWL 1000 HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-514 Multi user (none) Admin
D-Link DI-614+ any HTTP admin (none) Admin all access 😀
D-Link DWL 2100AP Multi admin (none) Admin
D-LINK DSL-G664T A1 HTTP admin admin Admin SSID : G664T_WIRELESS
d-link 504g adsl router HTTP admin admin Admin from product doco
D-Link DSL-302G Multi admin admin Admin
D-Link DI-624+ A3 HTTP admin admin Admin
D-Link DWL-2000AP+ 1.13 HTTP admin (none) Admin Wireless Access Point
D-Link DI-614+ HTTP admin admin Admin
Draytek Vigor all HTTP admin admin Admin
Dynalink RTA230 Multi admin admin Admin
Edimax Broadband Router Hardware: Rev A. Boot Code: 1.0 Runtime Code 2.63 HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Edimax EW-7205APL Firmware release 2.40a-00 Multi guest (none) Admin
Efficient Speedstream DSL Telnet n/a admin Admin
Efficient 5871 DSL Router v 5.3.3-0 Multi login admin Admin This is for access to HTTP admin console.
Efficient 5851 Telnet login password Admin might be all 5800 series
Efficient Speedstream DSL n/a admin Admin
Efficient Networks Speedstream 5711 Teledanmark version (only .dk) Console n/a 4getme2 Admin for all your TDC router needs
Efficient Networks EN 5861 Telnet login admin Admin
Efficient Networks 5851 SDSL Router N/A Console (none) hs7mwxkk Admin On some Covad Routers
Elsa LANCom Office ISDN Router 800/1000/1100 Telnet n/a cisco Admin
Enterasys ANG-1105 unknown HTTP admin netadmin Admin default IP is
Enterasys ANG-1105 unknown Telnet (none) netadmin Admin default IP is
Enterasys Vertical Horizon ANY Multi admin (none) Admin this works in telnet or http
Ericsson Ericsson Acc netman netman
ericsson md110 pabx up-to-bc9 Multi (none) help varies depending on config minimal list access by default
ericsson ericsson acc Multi n/a (none) Admin
Ericsson Ericsson Acc netman netman
Ericsson ACC Tigris Platform All Multi public (none) Guest
E-Tech ADSL Ethernet Router Annex A v2 HTTP admin epicrouter Admin Password can also be password
E-Tech Wireless 11Mbps Router Model:WLRT03 HTTP (none) admin Admin
E-Tech Router RTBR03 HTTP (none) admin Admin 1wan/4ports switch router
EverFocus PowerPlex EDR1600 Multi admin admin Admin
EverFocus PowerPlex EDR1600 Multi supervisor supervisor Admin
EverFocus PowerPlex EDR1600 Multi operator operator Admin
Extreme Networks All Switches Multi admin (none) Admin Submitted by Eastman Rivai
F5 Bigip 540 Multi root default Admin
F5-Networks BIGIP Multi n/a (none) Admin
Flowpoint 2200 SDSL Telnet admin admin Admin
Flowpoint DSL Telnet n/a password Admin Installed by Covad
Flowpoint 100 IDSN Telnet admin admin Admin
Flowpoint 40 IDSL Telnet admin admin Admin
Flowpoint Flowpoint DSL admin admin Admin
Fortinet Fortigate Telnet admin (none) Admin
Foundry Networks IronView Network Manager Version 01.6.00a(service pack) 0620031754 HTTP admin admin Admin
Freetech PC BIOS Console n/a Posterie Admin
Freetech BIOS Console n/a Posterie Admin
Fujitsu Siemens Routers HTTP (none) connect Admin
Funk Software Steel Belted Radius 3.x Proprietary admin radius Admin
GVC e800/rb4 HTTP Administrator admin Admin
Hewlett Packard Power Manager 3 HTTP admin admin Admin
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPP187
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPP189
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPP196
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR INTX3
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR ITF3000
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR NETBASE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR REGO
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR RJE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR CONV
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi OPERATOR SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi OPERATOR DISC
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi OPERATOR SYSTEM
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi OPERATOR SUPPORT
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi OPERATOR COGNOS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi PCUSER SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi RSBCMON SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi SPOOLMAN HPOFFICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi WP HPOFFICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi ADVMAIL HPOFFICE DATA
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi ADVMAIL HP
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD SUPPORT
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD MGR
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD SERVICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD MANAGER
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD HPP187 SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD LOTUS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD HPWORD PUB
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi FIELD HPONLY
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi HELLO MANAGER.SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi HELLO MGR.SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi HELLO FIELD.SUPPORT
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi HELLO OP.OPERATOR
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MAIL MAIL
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MAIL REMOTE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MAIL TELESUP
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MAIL HPOFFICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MAIL MPE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER TCH
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER SECURITY
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER ITF3000
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER HPOFFICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER COGNOS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MANAGER TELESUP
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR SYS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR CAROLIAN
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR VESOFT
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR XLSERVER
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR SECURITY
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR TELESUP
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPDESK
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR CCC
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR CNAS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR WORD
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR COGNOS
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR ROBELLE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPOFFICE
Hewlett-Packard HP 2000/3000 MPE/xx Multi MGR HPONLY
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Net Printers Ones with Jetdirect on them Telnet (none) (none) Admin press enter twice if no response in telnet -submit by Anymous
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Net Printers Ones with Jetdirect on them HTTP (none) (none) Admin HTTP interface -submit by Anymous
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Net Printers Ones with Jetdirect on them FTP Anonymous (none) User send files to be printed -submit by Anymous
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Net Printers Ones with Jetdirect on them 9100 (none) (none) User Type what you want and close telnet session to print it out -submit by Anymous
Hewlett-Packard webmin 0.84 HTTP admin Admin you can find more passwords here:
hp sa7200 Multi admin admin Admin
hp sa7200 Multi admin (none) Admin
IBM Ascend OEM Routers Telnet n/a ascend Admin
IBM A21m Multi n/a (none) Admin
IBM 390e Multi n/a admin Admin
ibm a20m Multi n/a admin Admin
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Server Multi storwatch specialist Admin By Nicolas Gregoire
IBM 8239 Token Ring HUB 2.5 Console n/a R1QTPS Utility Program submitted by FX
IBM 8224 HUB Multi vt100 public Admin Swap MAC address chip from other 8224
IBM 3534 F08 Fibre Switch Multi admin password Admin
IBM switch 8275-217 Telnet admin (none) Admin
IBM Directory – Web Administration Tool 5.1 HTTP superadmin secret Admin Documented in Web Administration Guide
IBM Hardware Management Console 3 ssh hscroot abc123 Admin
IMAI Traffic Shaper TS-1012 HTTP n/a (none) Admin default IP
Integral Technologies RemoteView 4 Console Administrator letmein Admin
Intel Shiva Multi root (none) Admin
Intel Express 9520 Router Multi NICONEX NICONEX User
Intel Express 520T Switch Multi setup setup User
intel netstructure 480t Telnet admin (none) Admin
Intel Wireless AP 2011 2.21 Multi (none) Intel Admin by FX
Intel Wireless Gateway 3.x HTTP intel intel Admin
Intel Shiva Guest (none) User
Intel Shiva root (none) Admin
Intel/Shiva Mezza ISDN Router All Telnet admin hello Admin
Intel/Shiva Access Port All Telnet admin hello Admin
Interbase Interbase Database Server All Multi SYSDBA masterkey Admin
Intermec Mobile LAN 5.25 Multi intermec intermec Admin
Intershop Intershop 4 HTTP operator $chwarzepumpe Admin
Intersystems Cache Post-RDMS Console system sys Admin Change immediately
intex organizer Multi n/a (none) Admin
iPSTAR iPSTAR Satellite Router/Radio v2 HTTP admin operator Admin For CSLoxInfo and iPSTAR Customers
iPSTAR iPSTAR Network Box v.2+ HTTP admin operator Admin iPSTAR Network Box is used by the CSLoxInfo Broadband Satellite system.
JD Edwards WorldVision/OneWorld All(?) Console JDE JDE Admin/SECOFR
JDE WorldVision/OneWorld Multi PRODDTA PRODDTA Admin Owner of database tables and objects
JDS Microprocessing Hydra 3000 r2.02 Console hydrasna (none) Admin
Konica Minolta magicolor 2300 DL Multi (none) 1234 Admin info from:
Kyocera EcoLink 7.2 HTTP n/a PASSWORD Admin
Kyocera Telnet Server IB-20/21 multi root root Admin
Kyocera Intermate LAN FS Pro 10/100 K82_0371 HTTP admin admin Admin
LANCOM IL11 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Lantronics Lantronics Terminal Server TCP 7000 n/a access Admin
Lantronics Lantronics Terminal Server TCP 7000 n/a system Admin
Lantronix Lantronix Terminal TCP 7000 n/a lantronix Admin
Lantronix SCS1620 Multi sysadmin PASS Admin 9600/N/8/1 XON/XOFF
Lantronix SCS3200 EZWebCon downloaded from login access Admin secondary port settings login: root password: system
Lantronix SCS400 Multi n/a admin Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix SCS200 Multi n/a admin Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix SCS100 Multi n/a access Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix ETS4P Multi n/a (none) Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix ETS16P Multi n/a (none) Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix ETS32PR Multi n/a (none) Admin secondary priv. password: system
Lantronix ETS422PR Multi n/a (none) Admin secondary priv. password: system
latis network border guard Multi n/a (none) Admin
Linksys WAP11 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Linksys DSL Telnet n/a admin Admin
Linksys EtherFast Cable/DSL ROuter Multi Administrator admin Admin
Linksys Linksys Router DSL/Cable HTTP (none) admin Admin
Linksys BEFW11S4 1 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Linksys BEFSR41 2 HTTP (none) admin Admin
Linksys WRT54G HTTP admin admin Admin
Linksys WAG54G HTTP admin admin Admin
linksys ap 1120 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Linksys Linksys DSL n/a admin Admin
Livingston IRX Router Telnet !root (none)
Livingston Livingston Portmaster 3 Telnet !root (none)
Livingston Officerouter Telnet !root (none)
Livingstone Portmaster 2R Telnet root (none) Admin
Lockdown Networks All Lockdown Products up to 2.7 Console setup changeme(exclamation) User
longshine isscfg HTTP admin 0 Admin
Lucent B-STDX9000 Multi (any 3 characters) cascade
Lucent B-STDX9000 debug mode n/a cascade
Lucent B-STDX9000 all SNMP n/a cascade Admin
Lucent CBX 500 Multi (any 3 characters) cascade
Lucent CBX 500 debug mode n/a cascade
Lucent GX 550 SNMP readwrite n/a cascade
Lucent MAX-TNT Multi admin Ascend
Lucent PSAX 1200 and below Multi root ascend
Lucent PSAX 1250 and above Multi readwrite lucenttech1 Admin
Lucent PSAX 1250 and above Multi readonly lucenttech2 Admin
Lucent Anymedia Console LUCENT01 UI-PSWD-01 Admin requires GSI software
Lucent Anymedia Console LUCENT02 UI-PSWD-02 Admin requires GSI software
Lucent PacketStar Multi Administrator (none) Admin
Lucent Cellpipe 22A-BX-AR USB D Console admin AitbISP4eCiG Admin
LUCENT M770 Telnet super super Admin
Lucent System 75 bciim bciimpw
Lucent System 75 bcim bcimpw
Lucent System 75 bcms bcmspw
Lucent System 75 bcnas bcnaspw
Lucent System 75 blue bluepw
Lucent System 75 browse browsepw
Lucent System 75 browse looker
Lucent System 75 craft craft
Lucent System 75 craft craftpw
Lucent System 75 cust custpw
Lucent System 75 enquiry enquirypw
Lucent System 75 field support
Lucent System 75 inads indspw
Lucent System 75 inads inads
Lucent System 75 init initpw
Lucent System 75 locate locatepw
Lucent System 75 maint maintpw
Lucent System 75 maint rwmaint
Lucent System 75 nms nmspw
Lucent System 75 rcust rcustpw
Lucent System 75 support supportpw
Lucent System 75 tech field
Marconi Fore ATM Switches Multi ami (none) Admin
maxdata ms2137 Multi n/a (none) Admin
medion Routers HTTP n/a medion Admin
Megastar BIOS Console n/a star Admin
Mentec Micro/RSX Multi MICRO RSX Admin
Mentec Micro/RSX MICRO RSX Admin
MERCURY 234234 234234 SNMP Administrator admin Admin
MERCURY KT133A/686B SNMP Administrator admin Admin
Meridian PBX ANY Telnet service smile System This is the default password on most Meridian systems.
Micronet Access Point SP912 Telnet root default Admin
Micronet Micronet SP5002 Console mac (none) Admin
Microplex Print Server Telnet root root Admin
microRouter 900i Console/Multi n/a letmein Admin
Mikrotik Router OS all Telnet admin (none) Admin also for SSH and Web access
Mintel Mintel PBX n/a SYSTEM Admin
Mintel Mintel PBX n/a SYSTEM Admin
Mitel 3300 ICP all HTTP system password Admin
Mitel SX2000 all Multi n/a (none) Admin
Motorola Cablerouter Telnet cablecom router Admin
Motorola WR850G 4.03 HTTP admin motorola Admin higher revisions likely the same
Motorola Wireless Router WR850G HTTP admin motorola Admin
Motorola SBG900 HTTP admin motorola Admin
Motorola Motorola Cablerouter cablecom router Admin
motorola vanguard Multi n/a (none) Admin
mro software maximo v4.1 Multi SYSADM sysadm Admin
Mutare Software EVM Admin All HTTP (none) admin Admin
NAI Intrushield IPS 1200/2600/4000 SSH + Web console admin admin123 Admin By Nicolas Gregoire
NAI Entercept Management console GlobalAdmin GlobalAdmin Admin By Nicolas Gregoire : must be changed at 1st connection
NEC WARPSTAR-BaseStation Telnet n/a (none) Admin
Netcomm NB1300 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgea FR314 HTTP admin password Admin
NetGear RM356 None Telnet (none) 1234 Admin shutdown the router via internet
Netgear MR-314 3.26 HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Netgear RT314 HTTP admin admin Admin
Netgear RP614 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear RP114 3.26 Telnet (none) 1234 Admin telnet
Netgear WG602 Firmware Version 1.04.0 HTTP super 5777364 Admin
Netgear WG602 Firmware Version 1.7.14 HTTP superman 21241036 Admin
Netgear WG602 Firmware Version 1.5.67 HTTP super 5777364 Admin
Netgear MR814 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear FVS318 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear DM602 FTP Telnet and HTTP admin password Admin
netgear FM114P Multi n/a (none) Admin
NetGear WGT624 2 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear FR114P HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear ME102 SNMP (none) private Admin Standard IP-Address is
Netgear WGR614 v4 Multi admin password Admin OR
Netgear RP114 3.20-3.26 HTTP admin 1234 Admin default
NetGenesis NetAnalysis Web Reporting HTTP naadmin naadmin Admin
Netopia Netopia 9500 Telnet netopia netopia Admin
Netopia R910 Multi admin (none) Admin
Netopia 3351 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Netopia 4542 Multi admin noway Admin
Netopia Netopia 7100 (none) (none)
Netopia Netopia 9500 netopia netopia
Netport Express 10/100 multi setup setup Admin
Netscreen Firewall multi netscreen netscreen Admin
netscreen firewall Telnet Administrator (none) Admin
netscreen firewall Telnet admin (none) Admin
netscreen firewall Telnet operator (none) Admin
netscreen firewall HTTP Administrator (none) Admin
Netstar Netpilot Multi admin password Admin
Network Appliance NetCache any Multi admin NetCache Admin
Network Associates WebShield Security Appliance e500 HTTP e500 e500changeme Admin
Network Associates WebShield Security Appliance e250 HTTP e250 e250changeme Admin
NGSec NGSecureWeb HTTP admin (none) Admin
NGSec NGSecureWeb HTTP admin asd Admin
Niksun NetDetector Multi vcr NetVCR Admin su after login with empty password
Nimble PC BIOS Console n/a xdfk9874t3 Admin
Nimble BIOS Console n/a xdfk9874t3 Admin
Nokia DSL Router M1122 1.1 – 1.2 Multi m1122 m1122 User
Nokia MW1122 Multi telecom telecom Admin Only in New Zealand.
Nortel Meridian Link Multi disttech 4tas engineer account
Nortel Meridian Link Multi maint maint Maintenance account
Nortel Meridian Link Multi mlusr mlusr user account
Nortel Remote Office 9150 Client admin root Admin
Nortel Accelar (Passport) 1000 series routing switches Multi l2 l2 Layer 2 Read Write
Nortel Accelar (Passport) 1000 series routing switches Multi l3 l3 Layer 3 (and layer 2) Read Write
Nortel Accelar (Passport) 1000 series routing switches Multi ro ro Read Only
Nortel Accelar (Passport) 1000 series routing switches Multi rw rw Read Write
Nortel Accelar (Passport) 1000 series routing switches Multi rwa rwa Read Write All
Nortel Extranet Switches Multi admin setup Admin
Nortel Baystack 350-24T Telnet n/a secure Admin
Nortel Meridian PBX Serial login 0 AUTH codes in LD 8
Nortel Meridian PBX Serial login 1111 AUTH codes in LD 8
Nortel Meridian PBX Serial login 8429 AUTH codes in LD 8
Nortel Meridian PBX Serial spcl 0 AUTH codes in LD 8
Nortel Meridian MAX Multi service smile general engineer account
Nortel Meridian MAX Multi root 3ep5w2u Admin
Nortel Matra 6501 PBX Console (none) 0 Admin
Nortel Meridian MAX Multi maint ntacdmax Maintenance account
Nortel Meridian CCR Multi service smile general engineer account
Nortel Meridian CCR Multi disttech 4tas engineer account enter 3letter of day from yesterday an tomorrow (for Tuesday enter MonWed case sensitive) – may be twice to see root password in clear
Nortel Meridian CCR Multi maint maint Maintenance account
Nortel Meridian CCR Multi ccrusr ccrusr User account
Nortel Meridian Multi n/a (none) Admin
Nortel Meridian Link Multi service smile general engineer account
Nortel Contivity Extranet/VPN switches HTTP admin setup Admin
nortel dms Multi n/a (none) Admin
Nortel Business Communications Manager 3.5 and 3.6 HTTPS supervisor PlsChgMe Admin there is an exclamation point at the end of the password
Nortel Phone System All From Phone n/a 266344 Installers
Nortel Norstar Console 266344 266344 Admin
nortel p8600 Multi n/a (none) Admin
olitec sx 200 adsl modem router Multi admin adslolitec Admin default ip
Omnitronix Data-Link DL150 Multi (none) SUPER Admin
Omnitronix Data-Link DL150 Multi (none) SMDR Admin
OMRON MR104FH Multi n/a (none) Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi admin OCS Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi adminstat OCS Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi adminview OCS Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi adminuser OCS Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi adminview OCS Admin
OpenConnect OC://WebConnect Pro Multi helpdesk OCS Admin
Openwave WAP Gateway Any HTTP sys uplink Admin
Openwave MSP Any HTTP cac_admin cacadmin Admin
Osicom NETPrint 500 1000 1500 and 2000 Series Telnet Manager Manager Admin
Osicom NETPrint and JETX Print 500 1000 1500 and 2000 Series Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom Osicom Plus T1/PLUS 56k Telnet write private
Osicom NETCommuter Telnet debug d.e.b.u.g User No
Osicom NETCommuter Telnet echo echo User No
Osicom NETCommuter Telnet guest guest User No
Osicom NETCommuter Telnet Manager Manager Admin No
Osicom NETCommuter Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin No
Osicom Osicom Plus T1/PLUS 56k write private
Osicom NETCommuter Remote Access Server Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom JETXPrint 1000E/B Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom JETXPrint 1000E/N Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom JETXPrint 1000T/N Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom JETXPrint 500 E/B Telnet sysadm sysadm Admin
Osicom NETPrint 500 1000 1500 and 2000 Series Telnet Manager 657 Osicom NETPrint 500,1000,1500, and 2000 Series Telnet guest guest User 658 Osicom NETPrint 500,1000,1500, and 2000 Series Telnet echo echo User 659 Osicom NETPrint 500,1000,1500, and 2000 Series Telnet debug d.e.b.u.g User 660 OVISLINK WL8000AP WIRELESS G HTTP 12345 12345 Admin IP: No 06/03/05 2005-13-7
Pacific Micro Data MAST 9500 Universal Disk Array ESM ver. 2.11 / 1 Console pmd (none) Admin
Panasonic CF-28 Multi n/a (none) Admin
panasonic cf 27 4 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Panasonic CF-45 Multi n/a (none) Admin
penril datability vcp300 terminal server Multi n/a system Admin
PentaSafe VigilEnt Security Manager 3 VigilEnt Security Manager Console PSEAdmin $secure$ Admin
Perle CS9000 any Console admin superuser Admin
Pirelli Pirelli Router Multi admin mu Admin
Pirelli Pirelli Router Multi admin microbusiness Admin
Pirelli Pirelli Router Multi user password Admin
Planet WAP-1900/1950/2000 02/05/00 Multi (none) default Admin
planet Akcess Point HTTP admin admin Admin
Polycom Soundpoint VoIP phones HTTP Polycom SpIp User
Polycom ViewStation 4000 3.5 Multi (none) admin Admin
Polycom iPower 9000 Multi (none) (none) Admin
Prestigio Nobile 156 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Psion Teklogix 9150 HTTP support h179350 Admin
Pyramid Computer BenHur all HTTP admin admin Admin
Radware Linkproof ssh lp lp Admin
Radware Linkproof 3.73.03 Multi radware radware Admin
Raidzone raid arrays n/a raidzone
Ramp Networks WebRamp wradmin trancell
Ramp Networks WebRamp wradmin trancell
RedHat Redhat 6.2 HTTP piranha q User
RedHat Redhat 6.2 HTTP piranha piranha User
Research PC BIOS Console n/a Col2ogro2 Admin
Research BIOS Console n/a Col2ogro2 Admin
Ricoh Aficio AP3800C HTTP sysadmin password Admin
RM RM Connect Multi setup changeme
RM RM Connect Multi teacher password
RM RM Connect Multi temp1 password
RM RM Connect Multi admin rmnetlm
RM RM Connect Multi admin2 changeme
RM RM Connect Multi adminstrator changeme
RM RM Connect Multi deskalt password
RM RM Connect Multi deskman changeme
RM RM Connect Multi desknorm password
RM RM Connect Multi deskres password
RM RM Connect Multi guest (none)
RM RM Connect Multi replicator replicator
RM RM Connect Multi RMUser1 password
RM RM Connect Multi topicalt password
RM RM Connect Multi topicnorm password
RM RM Connect Multi topicres password
RoamAbout RoamAbout R2 Wireless Access Platform Multi admin password Admin
sagem fast 1400w Multi root 1234 Admin
samsung n620 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Samsung MagicLAN SWL-3500RG 2.15 HTTP public public Admin def. WEP keys: 0123456789 1518896203
Senao 2611CB3+D (802.11b Wireless AP) HTTP admin (none) Admin Default IP:
Server Technology Sentry Remote Power Manager Multi GEN1 gen1 view/control Telnet port 2001
Server Technology Sentry Remote Power Manager Multi GEN2 gen2 view/control Telnet port 2001
Server Technology Sentry Remote Power Manager Multi ADMN admn Admin Telnet port 2001
sharp AR-407/S402 Multi n/a (none) Admin
Siemens ROLM PBX eng engineer
Siemens ROLM PBX op op
Siemens ROLM PBX op operator
siemens hipath Multi n/a (none) Admin
Siemens ROLM PBX su super
Siemens PhoneMail poll tech
Siemens PhoneMail sysadmin sysadmin
Siemens ROLM PBX admin pwp
Siemens PhoneMail tech tech
SIEMENS SE515 HTTP admin n/a Admin
Siemens 5940 T1E1 Router 5940-001 v6.0.180-2 Telnet superuser admin Admin
Siemens PhoneMail poll tech
Siemens PhoneMail sysadmin sysadmin
Siemens PhoneMail tech tech
Siemens ROLM PBX admin pwp
Siemens ROLM PBX eng engineer
Siemens ROLM PBX op op
Siemens ROLM PBX op operator
Siemens ROLM PBX su super
Siemens Nixdorf PC BIOS Console n/a SKY_FOX Admin
Siemens Nixdorf BIOS Console n/a SKY_FOX Admin
Siemens Pro C5 Siemens Multi n/a (none) Admin
Siips Trojan 8974202 Multi Administrator ganteng Admin Thx
silex technology PRICOM (Printserver) Multi root (none) Admin for telnet / HTTP
sitara qosworks Console root (none) Admin
Sitecom All WiFi routers Multi (none) sitecom Admin
SmartSwitch Router 250 ssr2500 v3.0.9 Multi admin (none) Admin
SMC Barricade 7004 AWBR Multi admin (none) Admin (WiFi AP)
SMC Router All HTTP admin admin Admin
SMC SMC broadband router HTTP admin admin Admin
SMC SMC2804WBR v.1 HTTP (none) smcadmin Admin
SMC WiFi Router All HTTP n/a smcadmin Admin model #2804WBRP-G
SMC SMB2804WBR V2 Multi Administrator smcadmin Admin
SMC 7401BRA 1 HTTP admin barricade Admin
SMC 7401BRA 2 HTTP smc smcadmin Admin
SMC Barricade7204BRB HTTP admin smcadmin Admin
SMC 2804wr HTTP (none) smcadmin Admin
Snapgear Pro Lite and SOHO 1.79 Multi root default 752 SOHOWARE NBG800 HTTP admin 1234 Admin No 2004-02-31 2005-13-7
Solution 6 Viztopia Accounts Multi aaa often blank Admin
SonicWALL ALL ALL HTTP admin password Admin
SOPHIA (Schweiz) AG Protector HTTPS admin Protector Admin
SOPHIA (Schweiz) AG Protector SSH root root Admin
Speedstream 5861 SMT Router Multi admin admin Admin
Speedstream 5871 IDSL Router Multi admin admin Admin
Speedstream Router 250 ssr250 Multi admin admin Admin
Speedstream DSL Multi admin admin Admin
Speedstream 5667 R4.0.1 HTTP (none) admin Admin
SpeedStream 5660 Telnet n/a adminttd Admin
SpeedXess HASE-120 Multi (none) speedxess Admin
Spike CPE Console enable (none) Admin
Sun JavaWebServer 1.x 2.x AdminSrv admin admin Admin
Symbol Spectrum series 4100-4121 HTTP n/a Symbol Admin Access Point Wireless
T-Comfort Routers HTTP Administrator (none) Admin
Team Xodus XeniumOS 2.3 FTP xbox xbox Admin
Teklogix Accesspoint Multi Administrator (none) Admin
Teledat Routers HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Teletronics WL-CPE-Router 03/05/02 HTTPS admin 1234 Admin
Telewell TW-EA200 Multi admin password Admin
Telindus 1124 HTTP n/a (none) Admin
Telindus SHDSL1421 yes HTTP admin admin Admin
Tellabs Titan 5500 FP 6.x Multi tellabs tellabs#1 Admin
Tellabs 7120 Multi root admin_1 Admin telnet on port 3083
Tiara 1400 3.x Console tiara tiaranet Admin also known as Tasman Networks routers
Troy ExtendNet 100zx Multi admin extendnet Admin dizphunKt
TVT System Expresse G5 Multi craft (none) Admin
TVT System Expresse G5 DS1 Module Multi (none) enter Admin
UNEX Routers HTTP n/a password Admin
Unisys ClearPath MCP Multi NAU NAU Privileged Network Administration Utility
Unisys ClearPath MCP Multi HTTP HTTP Web Server Administration
US Robotics USR8000 1.23 / 1.25 Multi root admin Admin DSL-Router. Web-Login always uses user root
US Robotics USR8550 3.0.5 Multi Any 12345 Any Best Modem
US ROBOTICS ADSL Ethernet Modem HTTP (none) 12345 Admin
US Robotics SureConnect ADSL SureConnect ADSL Telnet support support User works after 3rd login trial
us21100060 hp omibook 6100 Multi n/a (none) Admin
VASCO VACMAN Middleware 2.x Multi admin (none) Admin strong authentication server
Verifone Verifone Junior 2.05 (none) 166816
Verilink NE6100-4 NetEngine IAD 3.4.8 Telnet (none) (none) Guest
Visual Networks Visual Uptime T1 CSU/DSU 1 Console admin visual Admin
Watch guard firebox 1000 Multi admin (none) Admin
Watchguard SOHO and SOHO6 all versions FTP user pass Admin works only from the inside LAN
westell 2200 Multi admin password Admin
Westell Versalink 327 Multi admin (none) Admin
Wyse Winterm 5440XL Console root wyse Admin
Wyse Winterm 5440XL VNC VNC winterm VNC
Wyse Winterm 9455XL BIOS (none) Fireport BIOS Case Sensitive
Wyse winterm Multi root (none) Admin
Wyse rapport 4.4 FTP rapport r@p8p0r+ ftp logon to controlling ftp server.
Xavi 7000-ABA-ST1 Console n/a (none) Admin
Xavi 7001 Console n/a (none) Admin
xd xdd xddd Multi xd xd Admin
Xerox Multi Function Equipment Multi admin 2222 Admin combo fax/scanner/printer with network access
Xerox WorkCenter Pro 428 HTTP admin admin Admin
xerox xerox Multi admin admin Admin
xerox xerox Multi n/a admin Admin
Xerox Document Centre 425 HTTP admin (none) Admin
xerox work centre pro 35 HTTP admin 1111 Admin
X-Micro X-Micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router 1.2.2 Multi super super Admin From BUGTRAQ
X-Micro X-Micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router HTTP 1502 1502 Admin From BUGTRAQ
X-Micro WLAN 11b Access Point 01/02/02 Multi super super Admin
Xylan Omniswitch Telnet admin switch Admin
Xylan Omniswitch Telnet diag switch Admin
Xylan omniswitch Multi admin switch Admin
Xyplex Routers Port 7000 n/a system Admin
Xyplex Terminal Server Port 7000 n/a access User
Xyplex Terminal Server Port 7000 n/a system Admin
Xyplex Routers Port 7000 n/a access User
xyplex switch 3.2 Console n/a (none) Admin
Xyplex Routers Port 7000 n/a access User
Xyplex Terminal Server Port 7000 n/a access User
Xyplex Terminal Server Port 7000 n/a system Admin
Yakumo Routers HTTP admin admin Admin
Zcom Wireless SNMP root admin Admin
ZOOM ZOOM ADSL Modem Console admin zoomadsl Admin
ZyXEL Prestige HTTP n/a 1234 Admin
ZyXEL Prestige FTP root 1234 Admin
ZyXEL Prestige Telnet (none) 1234 Admin
ZyXEL Prestige 643 Console (none) 1234 Admin
ZyXEL Prestige 652HW-31 ADSL Router HTTP admin 1234 Admin
ZyXEL Prestige 100IH Console n/a 1234 Admin
Zyxel ZyWall 2 HTTP n/a (none) Admin
Zyxel adsl routers All ZyNOS Firmwares Multi admin 1234 Admin this is default for dsl routers provided by the ISP
ZyXEL Prestige 650 Multi 1234 1234 Admin
Deutsch Telekomm T-Sinus 130 DSL HTTP (none) 0 Admin
inchon inchon inchon Multi admin admin Admin inchon
Benq awl 700 wireless router 1.3.6 Beta-002 Multi admin admin Admin
Konica/ Minolta Di 2010f n/a HTTP n/a 0 Admin Printer configuration interface
Sybase EAServer HTTP jagadmin (none) Admin Source : Manufactor documentation
Logitech Logitech Mobile Headset Bluetooth (none) 0 audio access Thierry Zoller (
Cisco Ciso Aironet 1100 series Rev. 01 HTTP (none) Cisco Admin
HP ISEE Multi admin isee Admin
IBM 3583 Tape Library HTTP admin secure Admin
Asus wl503g All HTTP admin admin Admin
Asus wl500 All HTTP admin admin Admin
Asus wl300 All HTTP admin admin Admin
Sigma Sigmacoma IPshare Sigmacom router v1.0 HTTP admin admin Admin
Ricoh Aficio 2228c Multi sysadmin password Admin Webpage admin
Linksys WAP54G 2 HTTP (none) admin Admin
Westell Wirespeed Multi admin password Admin also try password: sysAdmin
Konica Minolta magicolor 2430DL All Multi (none) (none) Admin Taken from reference manual for product
KTI KS-2260 Telnet superuser 123456 special CLI can be disabled by renaming the regular login name to superuser
Oracle Oracle RDBMS Any Multi system/manager sys/change_on_install Admin
Infosmart SOHO router HTTP admin 0 Admin
Pansonic KXTD1232 Multi admin 1234 Admin
Areca RAID controllers Console admin 0 Admin
Avaya Definity Multi dadmin dadmin01 Admin
Allied Telesyn ALAT8326GB Multi manager manager Admin
Sun Cobalt HTTP admin admin Admin submit by Nabil Ouchn
iblitzz BWA711/All Models All HTTP admin admin Admin This Information Works On All Models Of The Blitzz Line
Netgear dg834g HTTP admin password Admin it should be work also with dg834gt
E-Con Econ DSL Router Router admin epicrouter Admin DSL Router
Allied Telesyn AT8016F Console manager friend Admin
Dell Laser Printer 3000cn / 3100cn HTTP admin password Admin
Sonic-X SonicAnime on Telnet root admin Admin 101010100001010
Siemens SpeedStream 4100 HTTP admin hagpolm1 Admin DSL Modem and Router
Wanadoo Livebox Multi admin admin Admin
Pirelli Pirelli AGE-SB HTTP admin smallbusiness Admin
McData FC Switches/Directors Multi Administrator password Admin
BBR-4MG and BBR-4HG BUFFALO ALL HTTP root n/a Admin
Swissvoice IP 10S Telnet target password Admin
creative 2015U Multi n/a (none) Admin
Tandberg Data DLT8000 Autoloader 10x Console n/a 10023 Maintenance
IBM Infoprint 6700 Multi root (none) Admin Also works for older 4400 printers and probably Printronics equivalents as well.
ASUS WL-500G HTTP admin admin Admin
Phoenix v1.14 Phoenix v1.14 Multi Administrator admin Admin
asus WL500g HTTP admin admin Admin
Symbol AP-2412 Multi n/a Symbol Admin 2Mbps FH AccessPoint
Symbol AP-3020 Multi n/a Symbol Admin 2Mbps FH AccessPoint
Symbol AP-4111 Multi n/a Symbol Admin 11Mbps DS AccessPoint
Symbol AP-4121 Multi n/a Symbol Admin 11Mbps DS AccessPoint
Symbol AP-4131 Multi n/a Symbol Admin 11Mbps DS AccessPoint
telindus telindus 2002 Telnet admin admin Admin
us robotic adsl gateway wireless router wireless router support support super user access I find it on a manual
D-Link Dsl-300g+ Teo Telnet (none) private Admin
D-Link DSL-300g+ Teo HTTP admin admin Admin
Billion BIPAC-640 AC 640AE100 HTTP (none) (none) Admin
Blue Coat Systems ProxySG 3.x HTTP admin articon Admin access to command line interface via ssh and web gui
KTI KS2600 Console admin 123456 Admin
KTI KS2260 Console admin 123 Admin
Exabyte Magnum20 FTP anonymous Exabyte Admin
Sorenson SR-200 HTTP (none) admin Admin
D-Link DI-524 all HTTP admin (none) Admin
McAfee SCM 3100 4.1 Multi scmadmin scmchangeme Admin
Zebra 10/100 Print Server Multi admin 1234 Admin
apple airport5 1.0.09 Multi root admin Admin
Xerox DocuCentre 425 HTTP admin 22222 Admin works for access panel 2
NOKIA 7360 Multi (none) 9999 Admin
Advantek Networks Wireless LAN 802.11 g/b Multi admin (none) Admin
ZyXEL Prestige 900 HTTP webadmin 1234 Admin
LG Aria iPECS All Console (none) jannie maintenance dealer backdoor password
Corecess 6808 APC Telnet corecess corecess User
NRG or RICOH DSc338 Printer 1.19 HTTP (none) password Admin no user
Xerox Document Centre 405 HTTP admin admin Admin
Proxim Orinoco 600/2000 All HTTP (none) (none) Admin WLAN accesspoint
SMC Router/Modem BR7401 Multi admin barricade Admin
Netgear Router/Modem Multi admin password Admin
Nullsoft Shoutcast 01/09/05 PLS admin changeme Admin
Conexant Router HTTP n/a epicrouter Admin
Network Everywhere NWR11B HTTP (none) admin Admin
Netgear MR314 Multi admin 1234 Admin
Aethra Starbridge EU HTTP admin password Admin
Milan mil-sm801p Multi root root Admin
cisco 2600 Telnet Administrator admin Admin
giga 8ippro1000 Multi Administrator admin Admin
Netgear GSM7224 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Gericom Phoenix Multi Administrator (none) Admin
Bausch Datacom Proxima PRI ADSL PSTN Router4 Wireless Multi admin epicrouter Admin
Sun Microsystems ILOM of X4100 1 HTTP root changeme Admin
dlink adsl HTTP admin admin Admin
Conexant Router HTTP n/a admin Admin yes
Edimax ES-5224RXM Multi admin 123 Admin
IronPort Messaging Gateway Appliance Multi admin ironport Admin
3c om 812 HTTP Administrator admin Admin
Asante FM2008 Multi admin asante Admin
Broadlogic XLT router HTTP webadmin webadmin Admin
Broadlogic XLT router Telnet admin admin Admin
Broadlogic XLT router Telnet installer installer Admin
Cisco Aironet Multi (none) _Cisco Admin
Cisco Aironet Multi Cisco Cisco Admin
Cisco HSE Multi root blender Admin
Cisco HSE Multi hsa hsadb Admin
Cisco WLSE Multi root blender Admin
Cisco WLSE Multi wlse wlsedb Admin
Digicom Michelangelo Multi admin michelangelo Admin
Digicom Michelangelo Multi user password User
Enterasys Vertical Horizon VH-2402S Multi tiger tiger123 Admin
Pentaoffice Sat Router Telnet (none) pento Admin
Pirelli AGE ADSL Router Multi admin microbusiness Admin
Pirelli AGE ADSL Router Multi user password User
System/32 VOS Multi install secret Admin
Tandem TACL Multi super.super (none) Admin
Tandem TACL Multi super.super master Admin
VxWorks misc Multi admin admin Admin
VxWorks misc Multi guest guest Guest
Wang Wang Multi CSG SESAME Admin
Westell Wang Multi CSG SESAME Admin
Westell Wirespeed wireless router Multi admin sysAdmin Admin
3COM CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a admin Admin
CNET CNET 4PORT ADSL MODEM CNAD NF400 Multi admin epicrouter Admin
SMC SMCWBR14-G SMCWBR14-G HTTP (none) smcadmin Admin
asmack router ar804u HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
JAHT adsl router AR41/2A HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
D-Link firewall dfl-200 HTTP admin admin Admin
ovislink WL-1120AP Multi root (none) Admin
Linksys WRT54G All Revisions HTTP (none) admin Admin
canyon router Multi Administrator admin Admin
3COM CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a (none) Admin
Kalatel Calibur DSR-2000e Multi n/a 3477 Admin
Kalatel Calibur DSR-2000e on-screen menu system n/a 8111 restore factory defaults
IBM T20 Multi n/a admin Admin
3com officeconnect Multi admin (none) Admin
3com office connect 11g Multi admin (none) User
Asus WL500g Deluxe HTTP admin admin Admin
IBM IBM Multi n/a (none) Admin
Pentagram Cerberus ADSL modem + router HTTP admin password Admin
SMC Modem/Router HTTP cusadmin highspeed Customer Admin Comcast Commercial High Speed Modem model number 8013WG
ihoi oihoh lknlkn HTTP Administrator pilou Admin
corecess 3113 Multi admin (none) Admin
AXUS AXUS YOTTA Multi n/a 0 Admin Storage DAS SATA to SCSI/FC
D-link DSL500G Multi admin admin Admin
Asus P5P800 Multi n/a admin User
Dell Remote Access Card HTTP root calvin Admin
d-link di-524 HTTP admin (none) Admin
ion nelu nel Multi n/a admin Admin vreau ceva
ion nelu nel Multi Administrator admin Admin vreau ceva
D-link DSL-504T HTTP admin admin Admin
Planet ADE-4110 HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
Planet XRT-401D HTTP admin 1234 Admin
ASMAX AR701u / ASMAX AR6024 HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
ASMAX AR800C2 HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
ASMAX AR800C2 HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
D-link DSL-G604T Multi admin admin Admin
Cisco Aironet 1200 HTTP root Cisco Admin
D-link Di-707p router HTTP admin (none) Admin
Linksys model WRT54GC compact wireless-G broadband router Multi (none) admin Admin
Minolta QMS Magicolor 3100 3.0.0 HTTP operator (none) Admin
IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) HTTP USERID PASSW0RD Admin
IBM BladeCenter Mgmt Console HTTP USERID PASSW0RD Admin
Draytek Vigor 2600 HTTP admin (none) Admin
LG LAM200E / LAM200R Multi admin epicrouter Admin
Linksys AG 241 – ADSL2 Gateway with 4-Port Switch Multi admin admin Admin
Micronet 3351 / 3354 Multi admin epicrouter Admin
Planet ADE-4000 Multi admin epicrouter Admin
SAGEM FAST 1400 Multi admin epicrouter Admin
SMC 7204BRA Multi smc smcadmin Admin
U.S. Robotics SureConnect 9003 ADSL Ethernet/USB Router Multi root 12345 Admin
U.S. Robotics SureConnect 9105 ADSL 4-Port Router HTTP admin admin Admin
3COM OfficeConnect ADSL Wireless 11g Firewall Router 3CRWDR100-72 HTTP (none) admin Admin
ZyXEL Prestige 645 HTTP admin 1234 Admin
olitec (Trendchip) sx 202 adsl modem router HTTP admin admin Admin Firmware:
Entrust getAccess 4.x and 7.x Web Admin gui websecadm changeme Admin Access to Admin Gui via /sek-bin/login.gas.bat
Cable And Wireless ADSL Modem/Router Multi admin 1234 Admin
Telco Systems Edge Link 100 Console telco telco telco
ZyXEL ZyWALL Series Prestige 660R-61C Multi n/a admin Admin
DI624 D-LINK C3 HTTP admin password Admin hardcoded for Verizon FiOS
SMC SMCWBR14-G HTTP n/a smcadmin Admin mentioned password (no passwd) on your webpage is wrong
Ricoh Aficio AP3800C 2.17 HTTP (none) password Admin alternative to sysadmin and Admin
Wyse Winterm 3150 VNC n/a password Admin by satadru
Ricoh Aficio 2232C Telnet n/a password Admin
edimax wireless adsl router AR-7024 Multi admin epicrouter Admin
Deutsche Telekom T-Sinus 154 DSL 13.9.38 HTTP (none) 0 Admin thx to AwdCzAb
Asmax Ar-804u HTTP admin epicrouter Admin
aztech DSL-600E HTTP admin admin Admin
comtrend ct536+ Multi admin (none) Admin
Quintum Technologies Inc. Tenor Series all Multi admin admin Admin
Alcatel OmniPCX Office 4.1 FTP ftp_inst pbxk1064 Installer
Alcatel OmniPCX Office 4.1 FTP ftp_admi kilo1987 Admin
Alcatel OmniPCX Office 4.1 FTP ftp_oper help1954 Operator
Alcatel OmniPCX Office 4.1 FTP ftp_nmc tuxalize NMC
Netgear ADSL Modem DG632 V3.3.0a_cx HTTP admin password Admin
Allied Telesyn AT-AR130 (U) -10 HTTP Manager friend Admin Default IP is
Mikrotik Router OS 02/09/17 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Netgear WGT634U HTTP admin password Admin
D-Link DI-524 all HTTP user (none) User
Ricoh AP410N 1.13 HTTP admin (none) Admin
3ware 3DM HTTP Administrator 3ware Admin
Netgear FWG114P Multi n/a admin password
ALCATEL 4400 Console mtcl (none) User
Netgear GS724t V1.0.1_1104 HTTP n/a password Admin
CTC Union ATU-R130 81001a Multi root root Admin
3Com Shark Fin Comcast-supplied HTTP User Password Diagnostics page
Scientific Atlanta DPX2100 Comcast-supplied HTTP admin w2402 diagnostics page
Terayon Unknown Comcast-supplied HTTP (none) (none) diagnostics page
Terayon Unknown Comcast-supplied HTTP (none) (none) diagnostics page
Linksys Comcast Comcast-supplied HTTP comcast 1234 diagnostics
NetGear Comcast Comcast-supplied HTTP comcast 1234 diagnostics page
Zyxel Prestige 660HW Multi admin admin Admin
Atlantis A02-RA141 Multi admin atlantis Admin
Atlantis I-Storm Lan Router ADSL Multi admin atlantis Admin (submit by fedematico)
Linksys WAG54GS Multi admin admin Admin
IBM T42 HTTP Administrator admin Admin
Huawei MT880r Multi TMAR#HWMT8007079 (none) Admin
OKI C5700 HTTP root the 6 last digit of the MAC adress Admin running with other models
Sagem F@st 1200 (Fast 1200) Telnet root 1234 User root/1234
Minolta QMS Magicolor 3100 3.0.0 HTTP admin (none) Admin Gives access to Accounting
Ricoh Aficio 2020D HTTP admin password Admin
Juniper ISG2000 Multi netscreen netscreen Admin Just a note – netscreen is now made by Juniper – otherwise no change
Linksys/ Cisco RTP300 w/2 phone ports 1 HTTP admin admin Admin
Linksys/ Cisco RTP300 w/2 phone ports 1 HTTP user tivonpw update access use for flashing firmware
samsung modem/router aht-e300 Multi admin password Admin after reset
mediatrix 2102 mediatrix 2102 HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Draytek Vigor 2900+ HTTP admin admin Admin
smc smc 7904BRA Multi (none) smcadmin Admin
DLINK 604 Multi n/a admin Admin
ZyXel Prestige P660HW Multi admin 1234 Admin
topsec firewall Multi superman talent Admin
US Robotics USR9110 HTTP admin (none) Admin default IP subnet:
CNET CSH-2400W unk HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Psionteklogix 9160 1 HTTP admin admin Admin
AirTies RT-210 AirTies RT-210 AirTies RT-210 Telnet admin admin Admin AirTies RT-210
Siemens SE560dsl Multi admin admin Admin Also has an account with: user/user
Psionteklogix 9160 1 HTTP admin admin Admin
Netgear WG602 1.7.x HTTP admin password Admin Default IP: DHCP or
SSA BPCS Up to 5.02 Multi SSA SSA Admin rarely changed/used for upgrades-patches
Minolta PagrPro QMS 4100GN PagePro HTTP n/a sysadm Admin
Secure Computing Webwasher all HTTP admin (none) Admin
Cisco CallManager HTTP admin admin Admin nabil ouchn
Cisco WSLE all all wlseuser wlsepassword User see also enable passwd
Cisco WLSE all Console enable (none) enable use with wlseuser
Netgear CG814CCR 2 Multi cusadmin highspeed Admin Comcast small business router. Default access at
Brother NC-2100p Multi (none) access Admin NC-2100p Print Server
Signamax 065-7726S Multi admin admin Admin Switch
Panasonic PBX TDA 100/200/400 all Console (none) 1234 Admin search q panasonic pbx tda 100 default password
Zyxel Router 650-1 Telnet (none) 1234 Admin Telefonica
Huawei mt820 V100R006C01B021 HTTP admin admin Admin Telefonica Colombia ADSL
Irongate NetSurvibox 266 1 HTTP admin NetSurvibox Admin
netgear sc101 management software admin password Admin
Bluecoat ProxySG (all model) SGOS 3 / SGOS4 HTTPS (8082) admin admin Admin
SMC smc7904wbrb Multi (none) smcadmin Admin
SMC SMC7004VBR HTTP n/a smcadmin Admin
Symbol CB3000 A1 HTTPS admin symbol Admin Default IP
Xerox 240a HTTP admin x-admin Admin
Ericsson MD110 Telnet MD110 help Admin
Ericsson BP250 HTTP admin default Admin
Cisco Cisco Wireless Location Appliance 2700 Series prior to Multi root password Admin Added by DPL admin. From
Topcom Wireless Webr@cer 1154+ PSTN (Annex A) V 4.00.0 HTTP admin admin Admin G+ mode (125Mbps) integration
Topcom Wireless Webr@cer 1154+ PSTN (Annex A) V 0.01.06 HTTP admin admin Admin WPA-PSK implemented
Topcom Wireless Webr@cer 1154+ PSTN (Annex A) V 0.01.09 HTTP admin admin Admin Improved wireless stability
Sercom IP806GA HTTP admin admin Admin
Sercom IP806GB HTTP admin admin Admin
draytek Vigor3300 series Telnet draytek 1234 Admin
netgear DG834GT Multi admin Password Admin
d-link ads500g HTTP admin admin Admin
Konica Minolta magicolor 5430 DL HTTP admin administrator Admin
planet akcess point HTTP admin admin Admin
Sharp AR-M355N HTTP admin Sharp Admin
Sharp MX-3501n HTTP Administrator admin Admin
3com LANplex 2500 Telnet n/a admin Admin
Cisco MeetingPlace Console technician 2 + last 4 of Audio Server chasis Serial case-sensitive + 561384 Admin Used for Audio Server or MeetingTime software
cuproplus bus Multi n/a (none) Admin
wline w3000g HTTP admin 1234 Admin
Tandberg 6000MXP Multi Admin (none) Admin
hp 2300 Multi admin admin Admin
Actiontec Wireless Broadband Router Multi admin password Admin Verizon Fios Setup
D-Link DI-634M Multi admin (none) Admin
Silvercrest WR-6640Sg HTTP admin admin Admin
Deutsche Telekom T-Sinus 1054 DSL All HTTP (none) 0 Admin
Netgear FVS114 GR HTTP admin password Admin
Nokia M1921 Telnet (none) nokai Admin
Nokia ADSL router M1921 Telnet (none) nokia Admin
Siemens Speedstream SS2614 Hardware V. 01 HTTP n/a admin Admin
TrendNET TEW-435BRM 1 HTTP admin password Admin
Netgear RO318 Multi admin 1234 Admin
ZTE ZXDSL 831 4.2 Multi ADSL expert03 Admin Default Password if user does not change it
Alcatel 7300 ASAM TL1 SUPERUSER ANS#150 Admin
Shoretel ALL HTTP admin changeme Admin
stratacom all all Multi stratacom stratauser Admin
Toshiba E-Studio 3511c HTTP Admin 123456 Admin Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner/Fax
Xerox WorkCentre 7132 Multi 11111 x-admin Admin
Sharp AL-1655CS HTTP admin Sharp Admin
3Com 3CRWDR100A-72 2.06 (Sep 21 2005 14:24:48) HTTP admin 1234admin Admin Provided by provider in Spain
Juniper Netscreen 3.2 Console serial# serial# Admin Resets to factory settings
Cisco ONS all Multi CISCO15 otbu+1 Admin Optical Network System – http/TL1
Telewell TW-EA501 v1 Multi admin admin Admin
NOMADIX AG5000 Telnet admin (none) Admin
Mediatrix MDD 2400/2600 Console administrator (none) Admin From the Getting Started Guide (Draft)
Dell 2161DS Console Switch HTTP Admin (none) Admin case sensitive username
digicom Wavegate 54C HTTP Admin (none) Admin
Siemens Hipath 3300-3750 Custom program 31994 31994 Admin
Sparklan Wx-6215 D and G HTTP admin admin Admin
Applied Innovations AIscout Multi scout scout supervisor
Planet WAP 4000 Multi admin admin Admin Default IP is
fon La fonera 0.7.1 r1 HTTP admin admin Admin
Lanier Digital Imager LD124c HTTP admin (none) Admin
Netgear WGT624 Serial console Gearguy Geardog Admin see
Dell PowerConnect 2724 HTTP admin (none) Admin
D-Link DI-524 E1 Telnet Alphanetworks wrgg15_di524 Admin Password is actually firmware image signature. (use hex editor on .bin)
DIGICOM Michelangelo Wave108 HTTP root admin Admin
US Robotics USR9106 HTTP admin admin Admin
SpeedStream 5200-Serie SpeedStream Telnet Administrator admin Admin
Siemens Gigaset All Multi (none) 0 Admin
Comtrend ct-536+ HTTP admin admin Admin
Comtrend ct-536+ HTTP admin 1234 Admin
2wire wifi routers n/a HTTP none Wireless Admin Almost all 2wire routers
Sphairon (Versatel WLAN-Router) Multi admin passwort Admin
HP MSL Series Libraries Multi Factory 56789 Admin Factory password under Utilities. For all functions unlocked.
Overland NEO Series Libraries Multi Factory 56789 Admin Factory password under Utilities. For all functions unlocked.
OKI 6120e and 421n HTTP admin OkiLAN Admin
siemen speedstream 5400 059-e440-a02 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Various DD-WRT v23 SP1 Final HTTP root admin Admin Alternative firmware
Aztecj DSL 600EU 62.53.2 Telnet root admin Admin
Aztecj DSL 600EU 62.53.2 HTTP isp isp Admin backdoor – not in all f/w versions
Linksys rv082 Multi admin (none) Admin
AVAYA P333 Telnet Administrator ggdaseuaimhrke Admin
AVAYA P333 Telnet root ggdaseuaimhrke Admin
Infoblox INFOBLOX Appliance Multi admin (none) Admin
Avocent Cyclade Linux hostnamehere 2.6.11 #1 Tue Mar 28 13:31:20 PST 2006 ppc unknown Multi root tslinux Admin
EMC DS-4100B Console admin (none) Admin EMC Fiber Switch
Citel Handset Gateway HTTP citel password Admin
Citel Handset Gateway Telnet (none) citel Admin
Grandstream GXP-2000 HTTP admin 1234 Admin
SysMaster M10 HTTP admin 12345 Admin
pfSense pfSense Firewall 1.0.1 Multi admin pfsense Admin
ASUS ASUS WL-330 Pocket Wireless Access Point HTTP admin admin Admin
Planex BRL-04UR Multi admin 0 Admin
maxdata 7000x Multi n/a (none) Admin
Conceptronic C54BRS4 Multi admin 1234 Admin Its a Generic Router From Conceptronic – Probably they can be all the same
OPEN Networks 812L HTTP root 0P3N Admin
Thomson Wireless Cable Gateway DCW725 HTTP (none) admin Admin SSID : THOMSON (Credit to Renaud Feil)
Thomson SpeedTouch AP 180 HTTP n/a admin Admin SSID : SpeedTouch180 (credit Renaud Feil)
KASDA KD318-MUI kasda adsl router and modem Multi admin adslroot Admin
Intracom jetSpeed 520/520i Multi admin admin Admin L3x
cisco 2600 router Telnet cisco (none) Admin
Edimax EW-7206APG HTTP admin 1234 Admin
SMC SMCWBR14-G HTTP (none) smcadmin Admin DeFaults:: IP Address: – Subnet Mask:
ASUS ASUS SMTA Router Firmware: – Hardware: 1100(AVG6002 REV:2.26A) HTTP + Telnet admin admin Admin Router / VoIP Gateway (@
linksys wrt54g Multi admin admin Admin
Addon GWAR3000/ARM8100 HTTP admin admin Admin
ZyXeL 660HW HTTP admin (none) Admin terra
Netgear Wifi Router WGT 624 v3 HTTP admin password Admin slawcio26
Apache Tomcat Web Server Administration Tool 5 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Sitecom WL-0xx up to WL-17x all Multi admin admin Admin often on port 88
greatspeed DSL HTTP netadmin nimdaten Admin ETB Colombia
Nokia M1122 unknown Multi (none) Telecom Admin New Zealand
Nortel VPN Gateway Console admin admin Admin
Fortinet Fortigate Console maintainer bcpb+serial# Admin serial# has to be in caps
Fortinet Fortigate Console maintainer admin Admin
Crossbeam COS / XOS Lilo boot (none) x40rocks Admin At the LILO boot prompt type linux single
Edimax Edimax Fast Ethernet Switch HTTP admin password Admin
Prolink H9000 Series HTTP admin password Admin
netgear dg834 Multi n/a admin Admin
Brother MFC-420CN Firmware Ver.C Multi n/a access Admin multifunction printer copier
D-Link DWL-G730AP 1.1 HTTP admin (none) Admin
Fujitsu Siemens Fibre Channel SAN storage FX 60 HTTP manage !manage Admin
Fujitsu Siemens Fibre Channel SAN storage FX 60 Telnet manage !manage Admin
Spectra Logic 64000 Gator Multi administrator (none) Admin Has no password
Spectra Logic 64000 Gator Multi operator (none) User Has no password
HP t5000 Thin Client series Console Administrator admin Admin
Huawei MT880 HTTP admin admin Admin
ATL P1000 Multi operator 1234 User Tape Library Operator Access
ATL P1000 Multi Service 5678 Service Maintenance Admin Tape Library Service Access
Topcom Skyr@cer Pro AP 554 1.93 HTTP admin admin Admin Wireless Access Point
Netgear FSM7326P 24+2 L3 mANAGED PoE Switch HTTP admin (none) Admin
seninleyimben @skan el rattani FTP admin admin Admin 11182360608
Sagem Livebox Multi admin admin Admin
Inventel Livebox Multi admin admin Admin
INOVA ONT4BKP (IP clock) all Telnet iclock timely Admin Network clock
D-Link G624T Multi admin admin Admin
Ricoh Ricoh Aficio MP 3500 1.0 Multi admin (none) Admin Nabil OUCHN
infacta group mail Multi Administrator (none) Admin
Linksys WRT54GS V4 HTTP admin admin Admin
Lanier LD335 HTTP supervisor (none) Admin
3COM OfficeConnect 812 ADSL Multi Administrator admin Admin terra
Comcast Home Networking Comcast Home Networking ALL HTTP comcast (none) Admin
SMC SMC8013WG-CCR 2.11.19-1d HTTP mso w0rkplac3rul3s Admin Comcast Business Gateway w the int LAN IP and login cusadmin highspeed
Zyxel ES-2108 Multi admin 1234 Admin
D-Link WBR-1310 B-1 Multi admin (none) Admin
Sharp AR-M155 HTTP admin Sharp Admin Note the Capital S
Sharp MX-5500 HTTP admin admin Admin Different to other sharp units
Toshiba E-Studio 4511c HTTP admin 123456 Admin
Leviton 47611-GT5 Multi admin leviton Admin
Nortel Passport 2430 Telnet Manager (none) Admin
BUFFALO WLAR-L11-L / WLAR-L11G-L HTTP root (none) Admin
Xerox 6204 Multi n/a 0 Admin
iDirect iNFINITY series 3000/5000/7000 Telnet admin P@55w0rd! Admin to enable ssh connections to the router: service sshd start
iDirect iNFINITY series 3000/5000/7000 ssh root iDirect Admin first enable sshd telnet to router: service sshd start
US Robotics USR5462 HTTP n/a admin Admin
telecom home hauwei Multi operator (none) Admin
Davolink DV2020 HTTP user user unknown
motorola sgb900 HTTP admin motorola Admin
zyxel g-570s Multi n/a admin Admin
Beetel ADSL Modem 220X Multi admin password Admin Beetel Model Provided By Airtel In India
Linksys WAG354G 2 HTTP admin admin Admin Applies to other linksys too
QLogic SANbox 5602 Fibre Channel Switch Multi admin password Admin
QLogic SANbox 5602 Fibre Channel Switch Multi images images User
Lucent Cellpipe 20A-GX-UK Console n/a admin Admin
Buffalo Technology TeraStation Multi admin password Admin
linksys wag354g Telnet admin admin User
Thomson TCW-710 Multi (none) admin Admin ono
Ricoh Aficio 551 Multi (none) sysadm Admin
Cisco PIX 6.3 Console enable (none) Admin
Guru Wireless ADSL2 HTTP admin admin Admin
Colubris MSC HTTP admin admin User for all Colubris Devices
Netgear WGR614 v6 HTTP admin draadloos Admin Dutch routers
T-Com Speedport Router Family all HTTP (none) 0 Admin works with nearly all routers of the speedport family
Mikrotik Mikrotik Telnet admin (none) Admin
Zyxel Prestige 650HW31 31 Telnet 60020 @dsl_xilno Admin
Netgear MR814 v1 HTTP admin password Admin
Motorola SURFboard SBV5120 HTTP admin motorola Admin
linksys BEFW11S4 2 Multi (none) admin Admin Comes up as BEFW11S4 V.2 when you try and log into it.
WLAN_3D Router HTTP Administrator admin Admin
Brother HL5270DN HTTP admin access Admin
TrendMicro InterScan 7.0 HTTP admin imss7.0 Admin
Promise NS4300N NAS Shell engmode hawk201 Admin
Ricoh Aficio 1018d HTTP n/a sysadm Admin
Ricoh Aficio 1013F HTTP n/a sysadm Admin
Polycom SoundPoint IP Phones HTTP Polycom 456 Admin username is case sensitive

Exchange Server 2013 and 2016 Standard Edition can’t mount databases that are larger than 1024 GB

Applies to: Exchange Server 2013 Standard EditionExchange Server 2016 Standard Edition

This issue occurs because the default database size limit for Exchange Server 2013 Standard Edition and Exchange Server 2016 Standard Edition is 1,024 gigabytes (GB). There is no default database size limit for the Enterprise Edition. The Exchange store checks database size limits periodically and dismounts a database when the size limit is reached. Therefore, this issue may occur after the database is automatically dismounted.

Additionally, when you perform a failover of the database, the failover fails, and an event that resembles the following is logged in Event Viewer:

Note The database maximum size is hard-coded as 1,024 GB in the event, even though you may have changed it to a higher value in the registry.


In order to have the full functionality of the Exchange database availability group (DAG) again, you must buy an Enterprise Edition license and apply it to the server.


Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.To mount the database again, and to prevent the database from being automatically dismounted, follow these steps:

  1. Start Registry Editor.
  2. Locate the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\<Server Name>\Private-<database GUID>

    Note You can retrieve the GUID of a database by running the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:

    Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity "<database name>" | Format-Table Name, GUID
  3. If the Database Size Limit in GB DWORD value exists for the subkey, change it to the size that you want, in GB.
  4. If the Database Size Limit in GB DWORD value does not exist for the subkey, create a new DWORD value with that name, and then set its value to the size that you want, in GB.
  5. Mount the database on the server by using Exchange Management Shell and the -Force switch.


  • When you change this setting, the change is propagated to all servers that host a copy of this database.
  • This registry key may be deleted after an Exchange cumulative update is applied.
  • This registry setting still does not allow the automatic failover of databases within the DAG. You must use the -Force switch when you mount the database with this registry setting in place.


login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Fri Jun 29 09:58:18 2018 from
— JUNOS 15.1X49-D45 built 2016-04-25 07:29:58 UTC

** **
** **
** It is possible that the primary copy of JUNOS failed to boot up **
** properly, and so this device has booted from the backup copy. **
** **
** Please re-install JUNOS to recover the primary copy in case **
** it has been corrupted and if auto-snapshot feature is not **
** enabled. **
** **

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX% cli
shroot@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show chassis alarms
1 alarms currently active
Alarm time Class Description
2018-06-28 12:48:36 GMT Minor Host 0 Boot from backup root <– This is where its booted from

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system storage partitions
Boot Media: internal (da0)
Active Partition: da0s2a
Backup Partition: da0s1a
Currently booted from: backup (da0s1a) <– This is the partitions name

Partitions information:
Partition Size Mountpoint
s1a 2.4G /
s2a 2.4G altroot
s3e 185M /config
s3f 2.1G /var
s4a 224M recovery
s4e 15M

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 28 12:44:56 2018
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (primary)
Creation date: Nov 20 22:15:26 2016
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D60.7-domestic <– This is the version it was on before the crash

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> request system snapshot media internal slice alternate <– Copy the working partition to crashed partition
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s2a)…
Copying ‘/dev/da0s1a’ to ‘/dev/da0s2a’ .. (this may take a few minutes)
The following filesystems were SHIRAJhived: /

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system storage partitions
Boot Media: internal (da0)
Active Partition: da0s2a
Backup Partition: da0s1a
Currently booted from: backup (da0s1a)

Partitions information:
Partition Size Mountpoint
s1a 2.4G /
s2a 2.4G altroot
s3e 185M /config
s3f 2.1G /var
s4a 224M recovery
s4e 15M

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system alarms
1 alarms currently active
Alarm time Class Description
2018-06-28 12:48:36 GMT Minor Host 0 Boot from backup root

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal slice 1
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 28 12:44:56 2018
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (primary)
Creation date: Jun 29 10:57:23 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D45-domestic <– once copied check the partion have same version on slice 1 and slice 2

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal slice 2
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 28 12:44:56 2018
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (primary)
Creation date: Jun 29 10:57:23 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D45-domestic <– once copied check version is same

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> request system reboot media internal
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes

Shutdown NOW!
[pid 9183]

*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX ***

System going down IMMEDIATELY


root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> request system software add no-copy no-validate /var/tmp/junos-srxsme-15.1X49-D60.7-domestic.tgz reboot <– update the software verion

login as: root
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Fri Jun 29 11:10:42 2018 from
— JUNOS 15.1X49-D60.7 built 2016-09-13 22:27:47 UTC

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system storage partitions
Boot Media: internal (da0)
Active Partition: da0s1a
Backup Partition: da0s2a
Currently booted from: active (da0s1a)

Partitions information:
Partition Size Mountpoint
s1a 2.4G /
s2a 2.4G altroot
s3e 185M /config
s3f 2.1G /var
s4a 224M recovery
s4e 15M

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (primary)
Creation date: Jun 29 11:41:10 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D60.7-domestic
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 29 10:57:23 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D45-domestic <– check the backup partion have same version as primary

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal slice 2
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (primary)
Creation date: Jun 29 11:41:10 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D60.7-domestic
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 29 10:57:23 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D45-domestic

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> request system snapshot media internal slice alternate <– copy the primary partition to backup
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s2a)…
Copying ‘/dev/da0s1a’ to ‘/dev/da0s2a’ .. (this may take a few minutes)
The following filesystems were SHIRAJhived: /

root@FW01-SHIRAJ-SRX> show system snapshot media internal
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (primary)
Creation date: Jun 29 11:41:10 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D60.7-domestic <– check the partition have same version
Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (backup)
Creation date: Jun 29 11:58:33 2018
JUNOS version on snapshot:
junos : 15.1X49-D60.7-domestic <– check the partition have same version


Junos Space Password Recovery

Junos Space Password Recovery

Change admin password

You can change the admin password via the CLI option 1

Welcome to the Junos Space network settings utility.

Initializing, please wait

Junos Space Settings Menu

1> Change Password
2> Change Network Settings
3> Change Time Options
4> Retrieve Logs
5> Security
6> Expand VM Drive Size
7> (Debug) run shell

A> Apply changes
Q> Quit
R> Redraw Menu

Choice [1-7,AQR]:

Change Super user password

You are able to reset the super password back to factory default juniper123 by changing the mysql database. You will need to access the “run shell” (option 7) and run the command below:

mysql -u jboss -pnetscreen build_db

Once you have run this command you get this output:

[root@space-005056b07af1 ~]# mysql -u jboss -pnetscreen build_db
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 225
Server version: 5.6.20-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log MySQL Enterprise Server - Advanced Edition (Commercial)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Now that we are into mysql, we can reset the “super” or user “myusername” password back to the default of juniper123

mysql> update USER set password="ok89Nva6qHxytSHsP8AeLg==" where name="super";
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Having updated the password, we can exit mysql and you should be able to log onto

To update the maintenance mode password

You will need to update the htpasswd file, with the new password for the “maintenance” user

htpasswd -sb /var/www/maintenance/maintPW maintenance password

Once this has been run, you will see this output:

[root@space-005056b0fdf8 ~]# htpasswd -sb /var/www/maintenance/maintPW maintenance password123
Updating password for user maintenance

To just fix the issue with the expired date:
update USER set expiryDate=”2029-11-21 07:51:54″ where name=”super”;

How To Fix “Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization” Error

check network:

# ifconfig
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

 Try to start Eth0 device

# ifup eth0
Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialisation

To Solve this :

Delete networking interface rules file so that it can be regenerated and reboot your CentOS system.

# rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
# reboot

For me at this point my issue was resolved.

New Mac address has been generated:

# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules
# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.
# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single
# line, and change only the value of the NAME= key.

# PCI device 0x8086:0x100e (e1000)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="08:00:27:fe:c1:03", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

Now edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0,

Add   new  HWADDR generated or  remove it 
Remove UUID   line

Restart the networking service

# service network restart
Shutting down interface eth0:                              [  OK  ]
Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]
Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:  Determining if ip address is already in use for device eth0...
                                                           [  OK  ]
# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:FE:C1:03
          inet addr:  Bcast:xxxxxxxx  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fefe:c103/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:4400 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:129 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:387597 (378.5 KiB)  TX bytes:19567 (19.1 KiB)

Change / Update / Replace SSL Certificate on Windows Server 2012 R2 ADFS / WAP Servers

Change/Update/Replace SSL Certificate on Windows Server 2012 R2 ADFS/WAP Servers

You need a cert that has a private key that corresponds to the certificate. If you don’t make sure that you export the PFX and be sure to include the private key. It’s easy to miss this in the export wizard.

After you have the certificate imported into the ADFS Servers “Personal Store” then you need to make sure that you assign the appropriate permissions to the certificate. Specifically, you need to assign full control to the ADFS service account.

Now you’ll want to bounce over to the ADFS Console to “Set Service Communications Certificate”

You can do this via PowerShell as well:

Run Get-AdfsSslCertificate. Make a note of the thumbprint of the new certificate.

Set-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType Service-Communications -Thumbprint thumbprint

Set-AdfsSslCertificate -Thumbprint thumbprint

Set-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType Service-Communications -Thumbprint DDEFDF4A73F48AD079B2C1BCBC60610863A3A7C9

Set-AdfsSslCertificate -Thumbprint DDEFDF4A73F48AD079B2C1BCBC60610863A3A7C9

Restart the ADFS Service (restart-service adfssrv)

if you get error with certificate don’t have private key use the certutil to repair

C:UsersAdministrator>certutil -repairstore my “77 f0 55 c4 4d 01 db 18”

you should see message like CertUtil: -repairstore command completed successfully. C:UsersAdministrator>

— Full GUI version —

You need a cert that has a private key that corresponds to the certificate.  If you don’t make sure that you export the PFX and be sure to include the private key.  It’s easy to miss this in the export wizard.


When you walk through the export wizard – make sure you choose the option to include the private key.



After you have the certificate imported into the ADFS Servers “Personal Store” then you need to make sure that you assign the appropriate permissions to the certificate.  Specifically, you need to assign full control to the ADFS service account.  If you are using a managed service account be sure to scope your search for that when assigning permissions.



Now you’ll want to bounce over to the ADFS Console to “Set Service Communications Certificate”

You can do this via PowerShell as well:

Set-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType Service-Communications -Thumbprint thumbprint
Set-AdfsSslCertificate -Thumbprint thumbprint


You’ll see all the certs in the personal store enumerated – be sure to pick the right one (there is an option to view the cert before selecting it).  If you don’t see your cert it means you didn’t import it correctly or there’s no private key that corresponds to the cert.

Now you need to open PowerShell to run a few commands.

Run Get-AdfsSslCertificate.  Make a note of the thumbprint of the new certificate.



You might run into what I did which is what was messing me up and prompted me to author this article.  For some reason for me when I issue the Get-AdfsSslCertificate command it still showed my OLD certificate – not the new one that I just updated with the set service communication certificate step above.  You’ll need to confirm this by going into the certificate store and looking at the details of the certificate you set to be the service communication cert to see if the thumbprint there matches what you see with the GET command.  In my case, it didn’t match.


At this point you want to take that hex and paste it out to notepad and then remove all of the spaces and then when you issue the SET command make sure to paste that value for the CORRECT certificate in as the thumbprint.

Next run Set-AdfsSslCertification –thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Restart the ADFS Service (restart-service adfssrv)

The Powershell for all of this (including installing the role/feature) is:

Install-WebApplicationProxy -FederationServiceTrustCredential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -CertificateThumbprint ‘thumbprintwiththequotes’ -FederationServiceName ‘’

OPTIONAL: Using a Web Application Proxy Server

Now if you are using a Web Application Proxy Server in front of your ADFS Server you need to do a few things.

I used the MMC console to see the certificate store on my ADFS server to export the PFX with the private key (make sure you do that!) so that I could import that key over on my WAP server.  Once you have that PFX just copy it over to the WAP and click on it – make sure that you import it into the PERSONAL STORE.  You can then open the MMC console to see the certificates there and make sure that it has been imported properly to the WAP.



Now at this point you should be able to run a PS command to replace the SSL cert and then restart the adfssrv on the WAP and you’re good to go.  For whatever reason that didn’t work for me so I just removed/reinstalled the WAP feature.  If you already have published web applications those won’t go away.  When you reinstall the WAP feature you’ll see your list of published apps show back up.  Basically, just walk through the wizard setup for the WAP again and then select the certificate we’ve been talking about from the list when the setup asks you.  That worked like a charm for me.

You can try the PowerShell commands here – hopefully they work for you:

Set-WebApplicationProxySslCertificate -Thumbprint thumbprint (the thumbprint is the same as the one we used above so you should be able to just copy and paste.  If you want to get it again you can issue the GET instead of the SET to see the thumbprints for the certs)

You’ll need to restart the service on the WAP:  Restart-Service adfssrv

How to configure shared Office 365 mailbox on iOS

Configuring a shared Office 365 mailbox on an iOS device using IMAP

Updated 27/07/17

On the iPad or iPhone, go to SETTINGS > MAIL > ADD ACCOUNT
Select OTHER from the list of types.
iOS Shared Office 365 Mailbox Step 1

iOS Shared Office 365 Mailbox Step 2
Enter a name for the mail account (eg “Enquiries”)
Enter the email address of the shared mailbox
Enter the password of a mailbox that has access to the shared mailbox (eg your own password if you have access to the shared mailbox)
Enter a description for the mailbox (eg “Enquiries”)
Select IMAP
iOS Shared Office 365 Mailbox Step 3
Fill in the blank information:

iOS Shared Office 365 Mailbox Step 4

i) Host name:

ii) In the user name box, enter the email address of the account that has access to the shared mailbox, followed by a “\” and then the email address of the shared mailbox itself. (eg “\”)

iii) Outgoing mail server:

iv) User name: Enter the email address of the mailbox with the permission to “send as” the shared mailbox.

v) Password: Enter the password of the mailbox with the permission to access the shared mailbox (same as step ‘iv’ above)

vi) Tap NEXT

iOS Shared Office 365 Mailbox Step 5
Switch off the NOTES sync which should leave just MAIL switched on.
Exit the MAIL app by ending the task (doublle press the HOME button and slide the Mail app off the top of the screen)
Enter the MAIL app and check that the account works


Debugging a Site to Site VPN on an Juniper SRX series

Within this article we will look at the various steps required in debugging a Site to Site VPN on an SRX series gateway.


First of all check the VPN configuration. This is also useful if and when you need to confirm the Phase 1 and Phase 2 parameter’s with the remote end.

admin@srx> show configuration security ike
admin@srx> show configuration security ipsec


To confirm the successful completion of Phase 1 run the following command. If Phase 1 fails to complete revisit your Phase 1 parameters using the commands shown in Section 1.

admin@srx> show security ike security-associations
Index   Remote Address  State  Initiator cookie  Responder cookie  Mode
6950    [LOCAL PEER IP]  UP     33204fba87663d94  70acacd5f938f89b  Main


To confirm the successful completion of Phase 2 run the following command. If Phase 2 fails to complete revisist your Phase 2 parameters using the commands shown in Section 1.

admin@srx> show security ipsec security-associations
Total active tunnels: 2
ID    Gateway          Port  Algorithm       SPI      Life:sec/kb  Mon vsys
<131073 [LOCAL PEER IP] 500   ESP:aes-128/sha1 4fb2c1cc 2041/ unlim  –   root
>131073 [LOCAL PEER IP] 500   ESP:aes-128/sha1 3e576ead 2041/ unlim  –   root

If Phase 2 has completed you can confirm further details on each of the SA`s (Security Associations) by using the SA index.

admin@srx> show security ipsec security-associations index 131073
Virtual-system: root
Local Gateway: [REMOTE PEER IP], Remote Gateway: [LOCAL PEER IP]
Local Identity: ipv4_subnet(any:0,[0..7]=
Remote Identity: ipv4_subnet(any:0,[0..7]=
DF-bit: clear
Direction: inbound, SPI: 4fb2c1cc, AUX-SPI: 0
, VPN Monitoring: –
Hard lifetime: Expires in 2028 seconds
Lifesize Remaining:  Unlimited
Soft lifetime: Expires in 1448 seconds
Mode: tunnel, Type: dynamic, State: installed
Protocol: ESP, Authentication: hmac-sha1-96, Encryption: aes-cbc (128 bits)
Anti-replay service: counter-based enabled, Replay window size: 64

Direction: outbound, SPI: 3e576ead, AUX-SPI: 0
, VPN Monitoring: –
Hard lifetime: Expires in 2028 seconds
Lifesize Remaining:  Unlimited
Soft lifetime: Expires in 1448 seconds
Mode: tunnel, Type: dynamic, State: installed
Protocol: ESP, Authentication: hmac-sha1-96, Encryption: aes-cbc (128 bits)
Anti-replay service: counter-based enabled, Replay window size: 64


To confirm statistics based on the Phase 2 SA run the following command. The output will contain a number of counters. The most interesting of these (for troubleshooting purposes) are the Encrypted and Decrypted counters.

admin@srx> show security ipsec statistics index 131073
ESP Statistics:
Encrypted bytes:        133593600
Decrypted bytes:       1128704777
Encrypted packets:         923864
Decrypted packets:        1438716
AH Statistics:
Input bytes:                    0
Output bytes:                   0
Input packets:                  0
Output packets:                 0
AH authentication failures: 0, Replay errors: 1021
ESP authentication failures: 0, ESP decryption failures: 0
Bad headers: 0, Bad trailers: 0


If Phase 1 and Phase 2 are both establishing but traffic is still not passing the VPN tunnel, a packet-filter traffic debug of the tunnel will provide further granularity into each of the steps the packet takes.

admin@srx> configuration
admin@srx# edit security flow traceoptions

[edit security flow traceoptions]
admin@srx# set file vpn-debug
admin@srx# set flag basic-datapath
admin@srx# set flag packet-drops
admin@srx# set level 15

admin@srx# set packet-filter filter1 source-prefix [LOCAL PEER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter1 destination-prefix [REMOTE PEER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter1 protocol esp
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter2 destination-prefix [LOCAL PEER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter2 source-prefix [REMOTE PEER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter2 protocol esp

admin@srx# set packet-filter filter3 destination-prefix [INTERNAL SERVER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter3 destination-port ssh
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter3 protocol tcp
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter4 source-prefix [INTERNAL SERVER IP]
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter4 destination-port ssh
admin@srx# set packet-filter filter4 protocol tcp

admin@srx# run show log vpn-debug


To debug the crypto engine the following commands are run.

admin@srx> configuration
admin@srx# edit security ike traceoptions

[edit security ike traceoptions]
admin@srx# set file vpn-debug-ike
admin@srx# set flag all
admin@srx# set level 15
admin@srx# top

admin@srx# edit security ipsec traceoptions

[edit security ipsec traceoptions]
admin@srx# set file vpn-debug-ipsec
admin@srx# set flag all
admin@srx# set level 15

admin@srx# run show log vpn-debug-ike
admin@srx# run show log vpn-debug-ipsec


A useful tip when viewing the debug logs is to tail the file via the shell whilst also removing the empty lines. This a) makes it easier to view and 2) also (as long as your ssh client buffer is configured correctly) allows you to go back over previous output should the debug log reach its maximum size.

root@srx100> start shell
root@srx100% tail -f /var/log/[logfile] | grep -Evi ^$


Can not access to https management of Juniper SSG through Chrome (Error code: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH)

A secure connection cannot be established because this site uses an unsupported protocol.
Resolution 1:
1. Go to the "Chrome://flags" from the address bar.
2. Find "Minimum SSL/TLS" version support"
3. Select " SSLv3" option. 

Resolution 2:
Access to WEB UI of ScreenOS
1. Go to Configuration/Admin/Management
2. Change Cipher to DES-SHA1 / 3DES-SHA1
3. Apply
Resolution 3 (best option):

1. Login to SSG using ssh then type

set ssl encrypt 3des sha-1