
Enable Automatic Replies, Out Of Office, for another user or additional mailbox

Admin Method 1: Exchange PowerShell

Exchange PowerShell button

If you are an Exchange administrator, then using the Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration Exchange PowerShell command is the supported and native way to go to enable Automatic Replies without logging on to the mailbox itself.

Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity <username> -AutoReplyState Enabled -InternalMessage "Internal auto-reply message." -ExternalMessage "External auto-reply message."

Admin Method 2: Exchange Admin Center

Exchange Admin Center button

Another way to do this as an Exchange Administrator is via the Exchange Admin Center (also known as ECP).

  1. Logon to the Exchange Admin Center.
  2. Change the management scope;
    • Exchange 2010
      In the top left corner, next to Mail> Options, click on: Manage My Organization
    • Exchange 2013, Exchange 2016, Exchange 2019 and Office 365 Exchange Online
      Click on your name or image in the top right corner.
  3. Choose: Another user…
  4. Select the user that you want to manage.
  5. In the page that opens, you can now set up an automatic reply message (in Exchange 2010: Tell people you’re on vacation).

Categorised as: Exchange, Microsoft, Outlook

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