
I was doing some troubleshooting in my Hyper-V cluster, and I had to remove a node from the Cluster and re-add it. While doing this, I came up with an error saying “The Computer “Clusternode.Domain” is joined to a cluster”, Here, “Clusternode” is my node name and “Domain” is my domain name.

When I was doing this, I noticed that my Windows “Cluster” service was set to automatically.

To resolve this issue, I had to use Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and use the below commands:

  • get-service -Name “Cluster Service” | Set-Service –StartupType Disabled or you can set the Windows service status to disabled by accessing the “service.msc” console. 
  •  Type “Import-Module FailoverClusters” as the second step
  • Type “Y” and hit enter as the third step

Then re-adding to the cluster was successful.

This should help you fix the same problem

Categorised as: Microsoft, Networking, Server OS, Virtual Infrastructure

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