
Install BES 5.0.1 MR1 or higher in an Exchange 2010 Environment

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Install BES 5.0.1 MR1 or higher in an Exchange 2010 Environment

Note: In an Exchange 2010 environment BlackBerry Enterprise Server should NOT be installed on the mail server. Also before installing BES you MUST have public folders enabled and have an Offline Address book configured in Exchange 2010.


On the server you have selected to load BlackBerry Enterprise Server download and install “Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1” (Exchange 2010 requires version 6.5.8147 or higher and Exchange 2010 SP1 requires version 6.5.8211.0 or higher) which is available from the Microsoft Download site (a.k.a ExchangeMapiCdo.EXE). This will install the CDO and MAPI DLLs which is a prerequisite for BES to operate correctly. This replaces the previous requirement to have Exchange System Manager installed in Exchange 2000 or 2003 environments. The current download link is as follows: Download details: Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1


Log onto your Exchange Server using an account which has permissions to create an new account. Open the Exchange Management Console and create a new account and mailbox for a user called BESadmin.


From the Exchange 2010 server open the “Exchange Management Shell” which can be found in the Exchange program group run the following two scripts to set the required delegate control and permissions:

Add-RoleGroupMember “View-Only Organization Management” -Member “BESAdmin”

Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -User “BESAdmin” -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin


Now you need to set the Send AS permissions using the command below:

Add-ADPermission -InheritedObjectType User -InheritanceType Descendents -ExtendedRights Send-As -User “BESAdmin” -Identity CN=Users,DC=,DC=,DC=”


Add-ADPermission -InheritedObjectType User -InheritanceType Descendents -ExtendedRights Send-As -User “BESAdmin” -Identity “CN=Users,DC=bbforums,DC=local”

Note: It is common for this command to fail and you will receive the error below. If this error appears please refer to the workaround provide that is listed under the error code below.
Active Directory operation failed on Domain ***Controllor Name***. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031521D0, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (0:Int32) [Add-ADPermission], ADOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DA172DD1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTa sks.AddADPermission
Workaround 1

Assign Send As permissions to all users via Active Directory

1. Open Active Directory.
2. Select the “View” menu and ensure “Advanced Features” is checked.
3. Right mouse click on your domain name and select Properties
4. Select the Security tab
5. Press the Advanced button at the bottom on the security tab
6. Select “Add” and enter your Blackberry Service Account name (e.g. BESadmin) and select OK
7. When the permissions screen appears change “Apply onto:” to “User Objects” (or “Descendant User Objects” on Server 2008)
8. In the permissions box scroll down and check the Allow box beside “Send As” and press OK
9. Press Apply and OK to exit

Workaround 2

Individually assign Send As permissions to a user via the Exchange Management Shell:

Add-ADPermission “BES User Mailbox Name” -User “DomainBESadmin” -Extendedrights “Send As”

Example: Add-ADPermission “Gary Cutri” -User “DomainBESadmin” -Extendedrights “Send As”


We need to turn off client throttling in Microsoft Exchange 2010 as it enforces bandwidth limits which will affect the BlackBerry Server. To do this run the following three commands from the Exchange Management Shell.


RESOLVED: OpenMsgStore failed (8004011d) error in Exchange 2010
NOTE: If you followed the official BES 5.0.1 install guide you would have issued the following two commands:

New-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy
Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

These two commands would have created a new policy and added BESadmin with all the default settings (RCAMaxConcurrency = 20) which will cause the “OpenMsgStore failed (8004011d)” error to occur once multiple users are added to the BES.

To correct this error please enter the commands below into the Exchange Management Shell:

1. Change the RCAMaxConcurrency setting to unlimited (default is 20) using the following command:
Get-ThrottlingPolicy | where {$_.IsDefault -eq $true} | Set-ThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency $null

2. Display a list of your Throttling Policies using the following command:

3. From the “Get-ThrottlingPolicy” output locate and copy the “DefaultThrottlingPolicy” name.
Example: “DefaultThrottlingPolicy_a1f84187-7a42-4ece-9276-06c704be21e7”

4. Now enter the command below but paste in your DefaultThrottlingPolicy name.
Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy
Example: Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” DefaultThrottlingPolicy_a1f84187-7a42-4ece-9276-06c704

5. Now we need to remove the BESPolicy that isn’t required by issuing the command below:
Remove-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolic

New-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

Set-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency $null -RCAPercentTimeInAD $null -RCAPercentTimeInCAS $null -RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxConcurrency $null -EWSPercentTimeInAD $null -EWSPercentTimeInCAS $null -EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxSubscriptions $null -EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds $null -EWSFindCountLimit $null

Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

If the Microsoft Exchange Server is 2010 SP1, complete the following steps:

New-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy -CPAMaxConcurrency $NULL -CPAPercentTimeInCAS $NULL -CPAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $NULL -RCAMaxConcurrency $null -RCAPercentTimeInAD $null -RCAPercentTimeInCAS $null -RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxConcurrency $null -EWSPercentTimeInAD $null -EWSPercentTimeInCAS $null -EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxSubscriptions $null -EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds $null -EWSFindCountLimit $null

Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy


NOTE: This step is not required in Exchange 2010 SP1 as it is now managed with the Throttling Policy (i.e. -CPAMaxConcurrency $NULL -CPAPercentTimeInCAS $NULL -CPAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $NULL)

Now we need to increase the maximum number of connections Exchange 2010 allows to the Address Book service. By default this is set to 50 and to increase this navigate to “Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14Bin” and open the file with Notepad. Now change the MaxSessionsPerUser entry to 100000 and then save the file and restart the Address Book service.

Note: By default you may not have permission to edit this file so edit the permissions > add the administration account you are using > grant this account access to edit the file.


You have the ability to allow the BES to use Exchange Web Services to manage calendars on the devices, in order to utilize this service you need to configure a management role by running the following command from the
Exchange Management Shell:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name “BES Admin EWS” -Role ApplicationImpersonation -User “BESAdmin”

Get-Mailbox -Server “” | Set-CalendarProcessing -ProcessExternalMeetingMessages $true


Make BESadmin a local Administrator of the server where you will be installing the BES software. This is done by right mouse clicking My Computer and selecting “Manage”. From Computer Management expand “Local Users & Groups” and select Groups (or in Server 2008 right click Computer > From Server Manager expand Configuration and select “Local Users & Groups” > Select Groups). From Groups double click “Administrators” and add BESadmin.


On the BES server go to “Administrative Tools” and open “Local Security Policy” and then expand the “Local Policies” and “User Right Assignment”. You need to add BESadmin to “Log on Locally” and “Log on as Service”.


Log onto the server where you will be installing the BES using the BESadmin account. Extract the install files and run the setup file. When making your selection please note that the Monitoring service should be installed on a separate machine and the MDS Integration Service is only required for application development (note: the standard MDS service is installed by default). During the install you will be prompted to reboot, please ensure after the restart you logon as BESadmin again as the installation will continue. During the final part of the installation when you enter your SRP ID, Auth Key and CAL please ensure you select the verify option as apart from validating the info it confirms that Port 3101 is opened correctly.

Note: If you are installing BES onto server with existing services that use port 443 during the BES install change the HTTPS Service Port to a port that does not conflict with any other applications e.g. 643 or 3443. For further information on issues that prevent access to BAS please refer to the link below:

The Unofficial BlackBerry Support Forum – Threads Tagged with bas


Once the installation is completed and the service have started log onto the Blackberry Administration Service. Please note that the BAS-AS services needs to reach approximately 385MB of memory usage (you can check this via task manager) before it can be accessed.

Note: If you are unable to logon to the BAS using Active Directory credentials please run the attached “AddBASAuthentication.sql” script below as this will create a local “BlackBerry Administration Service” account with the username: admin and the password: blackberry.


In order to get you up to speed on adding users and performing activations please refer to the video tutorial below:

Tutorial – BlackBerry Administration Service

Extra Details:

Send As Permissions
Unlisted message error or Desktop email program unable to submit message

Note: For sites running Exchange 2010 SP1 you must be running BES 5.0.2 MR4 and MAPICDO Client 1.2.1 version 6.5.8211.0 or above to prevent latency issues (More Info: Guide: BES 5.0.2 and Exchange 2010 SP1 Latency Issues)

RESOLVED: OpenMsgStore failed (8004011d) error in Exchange 2010

NOTE: This post is now outdated and has been updated in the install guide above.

If you followed the official BES 5.0.1 install guide you would have issued the following two commands:

New-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

These two commands would have created a new policy and added BESadmin with all the default settings (RCAMaxConcurrency = 20) which will cause the “OpenMsgStore failed (8004011d)” error to occur once multiple users are added to the BES.

To correct this error please enter the commands below into the Exchange Management Shell:

1. Change the RCAMaxConcurrency setting to unlimited (default is 20) using the following command:

Get-ThrottlingPolicy | where {$_.IsDefault -eq $true} | Set-ThrottlingPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency $null

2. Display a list of your Throttling Policies using the following command:


3. From the “Get-ThrottlingPolicy” output locate and copy the “DefaultThrottlingPolicy” name.

Example: “DefaultThrottlingPolicy_a1f84187-7a42-4ece-9276-06c704be21e7”

4. Now enter the command below but paste in your DefaultThrottlingPolicy name.

Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy

Example: Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” DefaultThrottlingPolicy_a1f84187-7a42-4ece-9276-06c704

5. Now we need to remove the BESPolicy that isn’t required by issuing the command below:

Remove-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy

Can’t Install or Un-install Microsoft office

There is a command you can run that resets the registry permissions.

‘secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose’

There is also a program called ‘windows installer clean up utility’

Download this program, and you can remove all office features, no problem.

Once you have removed the office files and also deleted the Microsoft office folder on program files, you then run the registry command.

This sets the machine up nicely for a fresh office install.

Default Authentication Settings for Exchange-related Virtual Directories

Topic Last Modified: 2010-09-20

The installation of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 automatically configures several Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories, as appropriate for the particular Exchange role or roles that are installed.

This topic discusses the default settings for the Exchange-related virtual directories. Specifically, this topic contains information about the default authentication settings and about the default SSL settings.

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2007 CAS server.

Default CAS server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Additional comments
Default Web Site
  • Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
The Enable HTTP Keep-Alives option should be enabled. This option is on the Web Site tab.
  • Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • Not required
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Outlook Anywhere requires this component. Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
RpcWithCert By default, all authentication methods are disabled SSL required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2007 Mailbox server.

Default Mailbox server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Additional comments
Default Web Site Anonymous Not required
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.

The following table lists the default Exchange 2007 IIS settings on a Windows SBS 2008-based server.

Default Exchange-related IIS authentication and SSL settings.

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Additional comments
Default Web Site
  • Anonymous authentication
Not required
  • Anonymous authentication
Not required
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
Not required Outlook Anywhere requires this component. Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
RpcWithCert By default, all authentication methods are disabled
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2007 CAS server.

Default CAS server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Additional comments
Default Web Site Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
The Enable HTTP Keep-Alives option should be enabled. This option is on the Web Site tab.
aspnet_client Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Shell.
EWS Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
owa Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console.
  • Integrated Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell.
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2007 Mailbox server.

Default Mailbox server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Additional comments
Default Web Site Anonymous Not required
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Basic authentication
  • Integrated Windows authentication
Not required Authentication management should be performed by using the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 automatically configures multiple Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories during installation. This topic contains information about the default IIS authentication settings and default Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings for the Client Access and Mailbox server roles.

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2010 Client Access server.

Default Client Access server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Management method
Default Web site
  • Anonymous
  • Required
IIS ,management console
  • Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
IIS management console
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Require 128-bit encryption
Exchange Management Shell (Shell)
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
Exchange Management Console (EMC) or Shell
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
  • Basic authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
EMC or Shell
  • Windows authentication
  • Not required
EMC or Shell
  • Basic
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
EMC or Shell
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Not required
  • Basic authentication
  • Windows authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
RpcWithCert By default, all authentication methods are disabled
  • Required

The following table lists the default settings on a stand-alone Exchange 2010 mailbox server.

Default Mailbox server IIS authentication and SSL settings

Virtual directory Authentication method SSL settings Management method
Default Web site
  • Anonymous authentication
  • SSL required
  • Requires 128-bit encryption
This virtual directory isn’t configurable by the user.
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Not required

Net Use Command examples

To assign the disk-drive device name E: to the Letters shared directory on the \\Fin server, type:

net use e: \\fin\letters

To assign (map) the disk-drive device name M: to the directory Mike within the Letters volume on the \\Fin NetWare server, type:

net use m: \\fin\letters\mike

To connect the user identifier Dan as if the connection were made from the Accounts domain, type:

net use d:\\server\share /USER:Accounts\Dan

To disconnect from the \\Fin\Public directory, type:

net use f: \\fin\public /DELETE

To connect to the resource memos shared on the \\Fin 3 server, type:

net use k: “\\fin 3” \memos

To restore the current connections at each logon, regardless of future changes, type:

net use /PERSISTENT:yes


How to Determine the Minimum Staging Area DFSR Needs for a Replicated Folder

How do you find these X largest files? With PowerShell

Use a PowerShell script to find the 32 or 9 largest files and determine how many gigabytes they add up to. I am actually going to present you with three PowerShell scripts. Each is useful on its own; however, number 3 is the most useful.

1. Run:

Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | ft name,length -wrap –auto

This command will return the file names and the size of the files in bytes. Useful if you want to know what 32 files are the largest in the Replicated Folder so you can “visit” their owners.

2. Run:

Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | measure-object -property length –sum

This command will return the total number of bytes of the 32 largest files in the folder without listing the file names.

3. Run:

$big32 = $foo = Get-ChildItem c:\temp -recurse | Sort-Object length -descending | select-object -first 32 | measure-object -property length –sum

$big32.sum /1gb

This command will get the total number of bytes of 32 largest files in the folder and do the math to convert bytes to gigabytes for you. This command is two separate lines. You can paste both them into the PowerShell command shell at once or run them back to back.

Reclaiming disk space from “system volume information”

Windows saves information related to system restore inside that place and it is used when you actually perform a restoration. But when struggling for more disk space, I am sure you wouldn’t mind doing a trade off between what portion of your disk you want to give away for that purpose and what portion you want to keep for yourself.

Now here are some commands that you could use in the Command Prompt console in administrator mode in order to view and resize the space allocated for SVI “system volume information”:

1. To see the space allocated and used for SVI:

– Open Command Prompt with “Run as Administrator” option

– Type in: vssadmin list shadowstorage

– You will see Used Space, Allocated Space and Maximum Space for SVI

2. To see the restore information stored therein:

– Use in the same console command: vssadmin list shadows

3. To resize the maximum allocated space:

– Type in command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[here add the drive letter]: /For=[here add the drive letter]: /Maxsize=[here add the maximum size]

– E.g., vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=4GB

– You will see a prompt confirming resize done

– You can check the status again using the command discussed in point 1 above

4. Just to get rid of the space already consumed, but sticking to the same size of max-size as before:

– Do actions as per point 3 to set the max-size t, say, 1GB

– If you check now, most likely you’ll see that used space is now 0KB

– Do the resize again and set it back to what it was before

– Check your disk space availability in Windows Explorer, you should see the reclaim is done!

Hope this helps.

DFS on Server 2008 – Error ID: 9032 (The connection is shutting down). Event ID: 5002

1. The problematic replicated folder is “waiting for initial replication”, this could be due to the not setting the primary member.

Please run the following command to find if you have any primary server already for that RG name (IsPrimary=Yes)

Dfsradmin Membership List /RGname:<replication group name> /attr:MemName,RFName,IsPrimary

If the result shows the value for IsPramary attribute is “No”, that means you don’t have any primary server. In this situation, you may set the primary server using the following command

Dfsradmin Membership Set /RGName:<replication group name> /RFName:<replicated folder name> /MemName:<computer name of the member you want to set> /IsPrimary:True

EX. dfsradmin membership set /\namespace\testfolder /RFName:testfolder /memname:Win-DFS-1 /isPrimary:True

2. The actual size of the problematic replicated folder is 3.82GB and the configured size for the staging folder is 4G. I would like to suggest that you set the size of the staging folder is 2 times in large of the replicated folder. It is better to be 7.64GB in size.

3. This member is waiting for initial replication for replicated folder <problematic replicated folder> and is not currently participating in replication. Please check <problematic replicated folder> is enabled in the corresponding replication group.

4. Also, to verify that the DFS replication service can work normally, please make sure that the both of the DFS member servers can be resolved the name of each other. Meanwhile, please verify that the “DFS Replication” and “DFS Namespace” services are started on both DFS member servers.

5. This delay can occur because the member is waiting for the DFS Replication service to retrieve replication settings from Active Directory Domain Services. After the member detects that it is part of replication group, the member will begin initial replication.

There are five common causes of the error that can be occurred, please refer to the following Storage team blog to check if it can be helpful for you.

6. Meanwhile, please download the portqry tool and install it on another server. You can use the following command to verify that the required ports are open.

a.  Click Start, click Run, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.

b.  Type “portqry -n problem_server -e 135” (without quotation mark)

Download: PortQryUI – User Interface for the PortQry Command Line Port Scanner

Open a range of ports on Windows Firewall

Open a range of ports on Windows Firewall

Needed to open a big range of ports on Windows Firewall on one of my web boxes. Via the GUI you can only do one port at a time. But run this at the command prompt to add a range:

FOR /L %I IN (3001,1,4001) DO netsh firewall add portopening TCP %I "Passive FTP"%I

This opens ports 3001 to 4001, and names them ‘Passive FTP’.

You get error on FileZilla server ‘425 Can’t open data connection’

If you are running fileZilla server, I think default for Passive mode setting is custom range 3000 – 4000, and windows Firewall block the connection. Open the connection and all works perfect.

How to export Outlook profiles from one computer into another

In Microsoft Outlook you can easily export some types of information to a file. However, there is no option to export your profile e.g. when you want to have the same settings on another computer and you do not want to manually put all of them together with the account details again. In order to do so, you can use the Windows Registry Editor that gives access to all the information.

  1. Click Start
  2. In the search field type Regedit and hit Enter
  3. Expand the following registry entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles.
  4. You will see a list of your profiles.
  5. Right click on the profile that you want to copy and click Export (Fig.1.).

Fig.1. Exporting Outlook profiles from the Windows Registry Editor.

  1. Then, you can specify the name of the registry file and the location to save it e.g. Desktop.
  2. Now, you need to copy the file to another computer and double click it there.
  3. Confirm that you want to make changes to the registry.
  4. After you run your Outlook, the new profile will be opened (if you have only one) or you will be prompted to choose one of profiles (if you have more than one).

Bule Screen on Server 2008 R2, STOP: c000021a {Fatal Systemn Error}

STOP: c000021a {Fatal Systemn Error} The initial session process or system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x00000000 (0xc0000428 0x001006b8). The system has been shut down

My computer recently blue-screened and rebooted, but is not presenting me with the ‘0xc0000428 Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file’ boot error.

Solutions: Start the computer hit F8 to go to boot menu, select Disable Digital Signature. Windows will start fine, that worked for our Windows Server 2008 R2 running Exchange server.