
Archive for the ‘Office 365’ Category

Fix Trust Relationship Issue without Domain Rejoining

Check and Repair Secure Channel with Netdom You can also use the netdom.exe tool from RSAT to reset the local computer password. Sign in failed machine with the local Administrator account (by typing, “.Administrator” to the logon window), open the elevated cmd.exe prompt, and run the following command:Netdom resetpwd /Server:DomainController /UserD:Administrator /PasswordD:Password Netdom resetpwd / /UserD:enroute /PasswordD:*

When moving mailboxes to Exchange Online. The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable… mrsproxy.svc is unavailable, service is too busy or no endpoint.

I spent many hours troubleshooting and opening several support tickets with Microsoft, but in the end, I was able to fix the problem on my own. I believe it would be helpful for others to share my documentation of these procedures. The help from Microsoft O365 support was quite disappointing. They seemed to repeatedly ask the […]

Exchange 2013/2016 Outlook and OWA Search Does Not Work

As with all previous versions of OWA, Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 have a search function that is above the mail column, as seen below. When you do a search in OWA 2013, no results would be showing, no matter what information is the search keywords. No matter what, no search results were found. In Exchange 2013, the […]

Microsoft Product Name Changes

Occasionally, Microsoft renames products and services to clarify their purpose, apply a consistent brand, or combine them into a single offering. Below is a list of recent product name changes that are part of (or are related to) Microsoft 365. Each entry has a link to the announcement, a link to the official product page, […]

How to fix 550 5.7.520 Access denied, Your organization does not allow external forwarding.

By default, Microsoft 365 Defender sets up an Anti-Spam outbound policy. And the policy default sets Automatic Forwarding to “Automatic: System Controlled.” Error: “Remote Server returned ‘550 5.7.520 Access denied. Your organization does not allow external forwarding. Please contact your administrator for further assistance. AS(7555)” Since we do not want to modify this default policy, […]