
Archive for the ‘Networking’ Category

Unable to create snapshot: VMname/VMname.vmx already exists

Error: Unable to create snapshot: Operation failed because file already exists or Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DatastoreName] VMname/VMname.vmx already exists OR when trying to VMotion you get Error: Migrate virtual machine MY-DC A general system error occurred: Source detected that destination failed to resume. ESX/ESXi/vCenter Server 4.0 vSphere Client, shows an error […]

Shrew Soft Mac OSX vpn client

Shrew Soft have a Mac OSX port of the VPN client based on the head ( 2.2.x ) sources. It seems that it requires more testing, but it appears to be more or less stable. There are two requirements / dependency before running the native install package (.dmg file) 1) Install the LGPL Qt Framework […]

VPN Does Not Connect When Using Virgin Media SuperHub

When setting up a VPN, you can run into problems with VPN pass through. If you are using a Virgin Media SuperHub you have the added challenge that is by default, your speedy SuperHub will block outgoing VPN traffic meaning that with all the correct details it just doesn’t work. To fix this, just follow […]

Default settings for Exchange-related virtual directories in Exchange Server 2010

Exchange Server 2010 with the Client Access Server (standalone): Location Authentication SSL Setting Management Default Web Site Anonymous Required IIS Management Console aspnet_client Anonymous Required IIS Management Console Autodiscover Anonymous / Basic / Windows Authentication Required Exchange Management Shell ECP Anonymous / Basic Required Exchange Management Console or Shell EWS Anonymous / Windows Authentication Required […]