Screen It’s not actually necessary to download an install extra software, as you can use the Mac OS X built in Terminal and screen. Screen lacks some features, but it does include VT100/ANSI terminal emulation, and can be extremely useful. Open an OS X terminal session (window) Find the right TTY device. Type: ls /dev/cu.* […]
I have deleted/repaired keychain but nothing has worked. It does save password for a few hours, but then forgets it. For Exchange I had this problem and a few others – this is how I fixed it: Take a note of exchange server settings in Outlook->Preference, select the account click advance. Locate your account setup file […]
Shrew Soft have a Mac OSX port of the VPN client based on the head ( 2.2.x ) sources. It seems that it requires more testing, but it appears to be more or less stable. There are two requirements / dependency before running the native install package (.dmg file) 1) Install the LGPL Qt Framework […]
Adjusting Mail Mark As Read Behavior from the Command Line Launch the Terminal Set the delay to 2 seconds with the following: defaults write MarkAsReadDelay 2 Replace the two on the end with any number to change the delay to that many seconds. You can also remove the delay with the following defaults write command: defaults […]
Connect to your Mac a properly formatted 8GB (or larger) drive, and rename the drive Untitled. (The Terminal command used here assumes the drive is named Untitled.) Also, make sure the Yosemite installer, called Install OS X, is in its default location in your main Applications folder (/Applications). This means that if you moved […]
Step-by-Step Procedure Follow these steps in order to recover your password: Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router. Use these terminal settings: 9600 baud rate No parity 8 data bits 1 stop bit No flow control Refer to these documents for information on how to cable and […]
Spotlight works great most of the time, but occasionally you may need to do a bit of tinkering to get it to work properly. Most of us have probably had a problem where Spotlight won’t find a file you know is there. Here are a few Terminal commands for changing hidden Spotlight settings, performing more […]
Default password and username for backtrack 5 The default username is: root and the default password is: toor to start the graphic user interface of backtrack 5 you need to type: startx in the terminal startx command can also be used with other linux distributions to shut down type: poweroff or shutdown -h now To restart: type reboot
As of 1st November 2013 I know there are lots of people are affected by CryptoLocker virus and there are plenty of article on web talking about how to remove the virus, but what about the files that are already encrypted? I have been bombarded with emails, is there anyway to decrypt these file or […]
You can hover over the CMD line and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to invoke the “Run as Administrator” shortcut. In the Command Prompt window, type: net user Note how the Administrator account is there, yet the new user account has not been yet created. To set the Administrator’s account password: net user * […]