Changing settings from the physical or remote console connection Changing the IP for the Service Console must be done from the physical console or through a remote console session. If you make changes through a network connection such as SSH, network connectivity to the Service Console disconnects because the Service Console’s network interface […]
HP & VMware Links ESXi-Customizer Install VMware ESXi 4.1 from bootable USB stick Driver Versions in HP supplied VMware ESX/ESXi images HP supplied VMware ESX/ESXi images ISO to USB
From the ESX/ESXi console: Note: This procedure should not be performed on a local datastore on an ESX host where the operating system is located, as it may remove the Service Console privileged virtual machine which is located there. Storage vMotion, move, or delete the virtual machines located on the datastore you would like to […]
P2000-with-vSphere Initial iSCSI setup of the ESX/ESXi servers Networking for the software initiator Before SAN connectivity can be established a specific network configuration must be in place. To correctly enable connectivity, two VMkernel ports must be created and each configured to use a separate vmnic port. As a best practice, the VMkernel networks for iSCSI […]
Recreating a missing .vmdk descriptor file on ESX. Access the ESX command line and navigate to the virtual disk (you can use putty) list the file in Virtual Machines directory: [root@esx03 ONLINEBACKUP]# ls -ltr *.vmdk you should see something like -rw——- 1 root root 107374182400 Jul 19 07:32 ONLINEBACKUP-flat.vmdk [root@esx03 ONLINEBACKUP]# less *.vmx | grep -i virtualdev […]
To transfer the FSMO roles by using the Ntdsutil utility, follow these steps: These steps works for transferring roles from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2012. Log on to a Windows 2000 Server-based or Windows Server 2003-based member computer or domain controller that is located in the forest where FSMO roles are being transferred. […]